Kate's Adventure!
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Bangkok, Thailand

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Chiang Mai, Thailand

New blog entry posted
Chiang Mai, Thailand

New blog entry posted
Chiang Mai, Thailand
Mommy Brookes Hi my lovely. Just read your blog OMG you are having such an amazing time I feel I could have been with you . you have accomplished so much on your travels and I'm dead proud of you. Don't forget to smuggle the baby elephant for my garden lol I can just see me walking him along the cut xxxx Me and Abi loved the snap chat of Bangkok keep em coming. Stay safe my lovely Love ya lots Mommy Brookes Xxxxxxxxxx
re: Chiang Mai, ThailandMommy Brookes Hello my lovely Love the pic of you and the elephant you could bring one back for my garden lol Your looking fab can't wait to see you and your pictures Take care Loves ya Mommy Brookes Xxxxxxxxxx
re: Chiang Mai, ThailandMomma n Poppa B Don't get bringing him home with you jack would be petrified...exciting about the ephalums can't wait for pics in your element eh floss? Luv u loads
re: Chiang Mai, ThailandMommy Brookes Wow wow wow you've brought tears to my eyes reading about that poor young girl n her baby love reading your blog keep sending me the snap chats love em take care my lovely now you are on your own Love you Mommy Brookes Xxxxxxxxxx
re: Siem Reap, CambodiaMomma B Proud you helped that young girl and her baby...enjoy ur last day in Cambodia onwards to Vietnam how exciting lol xxxx
re: Siem Reap, CambodiaMommy Brookes Hello my lovelies hope Heather is feel better. Tell her hair of the dog works wonders lol Can't believe you held another snake yuk lol Enjoying reading about your travels stay safe Love you loads Mommy Brookes Xxxxxxxxxx
re: Siem Reap, CambodiaMomma B Hope heather is feeling bit better I'm sure the absinthe will help!! It sounds like an amazing country would love to visit alls well here luv u loads xxxx
re: Siem Reap, Cambodia- last visited

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Mommy Brookes Hi my lovely. Just read your blog OMG you are having such an amazing time I feel I could have been with you . you have accomplished so much on your travels and I'm dead proud of you. Don't forget to smuggle the baby elephant for my garden lol I can just see me walking him along the cut xxxx Me and Abi loved the snap chat of Bangkok keep em coming. Stay safe my lovely Love ya lots Mommy Brookes Xxxxxxxxxx