Kate's Travels
Travelled for about 10 hours yesterday from Krabi in Thailand down to Penang, an isalnd which is its own state with a capital (Georgetown, where we are staying) but is a part of the country of Malaysia.
We arrived at about 7pm and went out for Indian food which was really good, then a couple of drinks which are extorsionately priced as it is a Muslim country and so teh governmnet taxes the hell out of alcohol. It makes them the same prices as at home, but it seems loads when we pay about a pound for tea with a drink!
Today (Friday) we went on a tour of the city, seeing Fort Cornwallis which marks where the first ship landed and established Penang, lots of houses on stilts in jetty-like outcrops in the sea so that they dont have to pay land tax, a beach resort (just like any other) and the largest Buddhist temple in Malaysia (see pics!) This was very high up and gave great views.
Went on a tour of Chat Fun Yees (not spelt anywhere near correctly, will correct when i have the leaflet!) house, he was a very successful chinese businessman. Our tourgide was brilliant, really interesting and knew a great deal and really gave an insight into 20th century living here. He was also extremely camp and had the poshest English accent we had ever heard! He was Chinese and his accent and rolex suggested he had had lots of elocution lessons in Kensington! hehe
Malaysia appears to be the poorer cousin of Thailand. It is often described as a cultural melting pot which is true - chinese, malay, indian, thai, buddhist, islamic, christian and muslims all live here in varying combinations, which to me seems to mean that there is no real identity - there doesnt appear to be a 'true' malaysian culture, as the different aspects havent merged together enough to create one, they are still distinguishable and seperate.
Off to the Cameron Highlands tomorrow for a night, cant wait to get out of the city, se asian cities are full of mopeds and the air is thick - not nice - and so the hills will be good! Then off to Kuala Lumphur (which i cant spell) which im looking forward to.
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