Well Kate nearly time to come home> hope you have helped mike buy me a fantastic Christmas present he he
Love the photo of you surfing on your last journal
safe journey
God Bless
Hey Kate!
Got back off of hol yesterday so thought I would see how you are. Caught up on all of your adventures and photos, Oz looks great. Have a few stories of mine own from the cruise managed to pack quite a lot into 2 weeks. Look forward to catching up when you get back! Is it the 21st?
Speak to you soon,
Gem xxx
Hi kate
Had a fabulous massage this weekend as a birthday present from Annette she sends her love.
Am so jealous of you diving on The reef must exchange diving stories on your return.
Family starting to plan Christmas already - scary even though i have to admit i love it all and cant wait for us all to be together again
Mandy And John
Just wanted to wish you good luck with the next leg of your journey Kate. Have fun and be careful.
Hi Kate
thanks for the update on life in Australia. The last photos are in the forest so have not seen you hanging upside down hanging from trees yet. Got an e-mail from Mike re Christmas!! cant believe he beat John this year to start the ball rolling about when how where we will all meet up
Hi Kate
Computers been down for a week so have just played catch up and read about 2 billion e-mails and enjoyed catching up on your trip. Have to say the pink cullottes were definately my colour he he.
Have Fun
Please teach Mike how to text, it will have been worth the trip if only to achieve that
Rick 'n Kath
Excellent photos and all interesting stuff. Good timing on your move from Thailand to Malaysia too: tanks aren't that photogenic! Watch out for the killer question on wardrobe "When is the last time I saw you in that?" Needs a good answer.
Have a great time.
Liz Dempsey
Hi, there, Hope the shopping inK.L. was all you hoped it would be.
Trust the credit card is still in tact, will be interested to see what you bought as I peruse the next lot of photos. Your ruck sack must be like a tardis!!
Have a good journey down to singapore. Keep sending the journals & photos they are brill!
Hello everyone!
Thankyou so much for your messages so far, its so nice to read them and to hear from you all! Glad you are liking the journal so far, I will try and keep it up to date and add more pictures as I go!
Keep the comments coming
Love Kate xxx
Mandy & John
Hi Kate just read your journal -you've been busy. Photos are lovely-good to put faces and images to Jen's email comments. The trek and elephant ride look amazing- something we would enjoy. Your mums message made us smile as it mirrored our thoughts about Jen's wardrobe. My usual comment to Jen is "when did you get that-I've not seen that before!" Glad to see you are having fun despite feeling far from home. Looking forward to future chapters. Take care of yourselves.
Yipee it worked and i dont think i did anything different just talking to Grandma - she sends her love
Hi Kate
cant work out why my messages are not coming up on your message board maybe i should just stick to regular e-mail and texting. Am busy doing a letter to grandma by snail mail at the moment - wish i could send her the fab photos! Did you get the ones of jill's wedding and me looking like a pink blancmange he he