Spent our first night in a traditional Morae (can't put photos up on internet as it is their traditional home but can a how you when i get back!). We had to have a welcoming ceromony where the cheif of the tribe said lots of stuff in Moari and the cheifs wide sung a song. We then had to sing back to them and then rub noses with the cheif and is wife! (had to try very hard not to giggle!!Now that we have been welcomed we can return to the morae whenever we want and their home is ours! We went for a walk in the forest and then went to their fire work night which involved setting a car on fire!! (lucklily all the locals are voluntary fire fighters so we were in safe hands!). We then spent the night in the morea.
The following day we visited a thermal village were steam and sulphur comes out the ground (smells of rotten eggs - nice!!). We then got to see a cultureshow where they performed the Haka which was brilliant to see!
In the afternoon we had a 6 hour pamper session! We went to a spa where we had a mud bath (my bikini still smells from it!!), a sulphur bath, a body scrub, massage and facial!Was fantastic!!;0)
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