Had a magic view this morning on the drive to school drop off. Saw a line of about 8 or 9 deer bounding across a field over the road in front of us and continuing across the next one. Was so beautiful to see. It was a bit misty and sky still pinkish. Perhaps santa's reindeer hanging out here whilst waiting for the big day! So glad I didnt hit any!!!
Has been a busy few months. I've been doing several examined courses and assignments towards an application for full Hand Therapist accreditation. This has been a massive job as needed a portfolio of work and evidence of professional development. Had to put together and upload over 65 items!! It now goes to 3 reviewers and find out in about 2 months. My application is pending my last examined course this week. Leave tomorrow for London for 4 days for it. It will also include one last assignment afterwards. Fingers crossed they accept me!!!! It has cost a fortune to get all my professional development hours.
Adam is very stressed and busy. This last course of mine couldn't have come at a worse time for him but we didn't have a choice. He has his first major work due Friday and its worth a 30% of his course. He was up till 3am last night and till at least 1am for the last few weeks. After this weekend though- we can both relax a bit.
We leave for Tanzania next Friday although havent even got it properly organised yet! Ahhhh. (Good problem to have though). Can't wait to see the school!
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