Hello from Brighton for the last time for a while. Yes, today I am leaving Brighton and the kind hospitality of Mark & Maki (and Maki's cooking!) to head north and west.
Yesterday I took Mark's advice and spent an hour or two looking through Brighton's Royal Pavillion - a bizarre building at the South British seaside, designed to look and feel like Asia, by people who had never seen Asia.
When I left the last blog, the Ducati was in the shop for a service and I was apprehensive about the outcome. Well it turns out the bike has a clean bill of health, has new oil and cam belts, only one bearing was faulty - now replaced, and we are off to see more of the world. Alex will be pleased to hear they bolted the horn back on and it works well too!
As the bike shop was located well up towards London from here (at Godstone) I decided to head up and check out the world famous Ace Cafe. It proved extremely difficult to find, but I got there in the end. I thought it was a bit of an anticlimax really, a nice enough place, but i actually preferred the Chequered flag bike cafe on New Zealand's South Island, to the Ace. Anyway I have been there done that and you can check out the photo's to prove it! I gave the T shirt a miss though - at £17.50!
Today's blog obviously features a pic' of myself on the train. I have spent several hours on the trains lately, to and from Godstone, then in and out of London. I previously travelled in Europe by train and found then as now that I get mesmerised by the motion and tend to not really take in the scenery very well. Furthermore the tracks are often not in the most picturesque part of the towns etc so I am gald I normally travel by motorcycle.
Leaving Mark & Maki's home will mean a significant decline in home comforts, and notably the end of my free access to this computer. I hope you have all enjoyed the timely blog updates/photo's etc, it may be a little less regular for a day or two from here. My wife may enjoy some more sleep though, with no more 4.00am Skype calls!
Thanks you again for your messages and texts, i hope to update this tomorrow or the next day and let you know where I get to.
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