This blog will have to be fast. It's the most expensive computer I have ever met - £3 for 15 minutes!
I have made it to Plymouth, in SW England to meet my mate Russell, from the RAN. We haven't seen each other for about 3 years and finally our paths coincided at Plymouth. Plymouth is steeped in maritime and religious history and nowadays has a relaxed atmosphere as people sit around and enjoy the pubs & restaurants into the evening. A busy city centre contrasts with the almost holiday feel down near the water's edge. The coastline is beautiful despite its built up nature.
Russell and I are working hard as you can see from the photo. This morning I hope to visit a museum or two and then look over Russell's navy ship. The plan is then to head back up to Brighton and visit one of the friends my brother has introduced me to. I hope to explore London a bit from there, before heading north.
Thanks you all for your message you've posted on the site (even Kent), it's great to hear from you from time to time.
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