Had a nice sleep-in today and a relaxing start to the day. I studied Spanish a little, sent some emails and then decided to go for a bit of a hike around Rionegro. Elizabeth had told me about this hike up the hills surrounding her farm so I went off in search of it. I found it easy enough and the walk was wonderful winding up through the hills, past beautiful old cottages and green Forrest's. I headed back down the hill around lunch time and made my way back to the farm. After my walk I got struck by crazy allergies and my eyes watered and I couldn't stop sneezing for the rest of the afternoon. Elizabeth and her family were preparing Tamalles a traditional Colombian dish for all their guests tonight - 80 friends and family at the house for her Fathers Mass. A shame I couldn't stay and be part of it but the road calls. I headed to the airport at about 5pm ready for my 6:15pm flight. Unfortunately what I originally thought was allergies is actually a cold and to go with that I have just been informed there is a 2 hour delay on my flight to Cali. So I am sitting in a freezing cold airport, sneezing, coughing and feeling miserable hoping the two extra hours fly. An interesting thing happened whilst waiting for my delayed flight - everyone started to line-up and they had us all sign a waver form for flight delay and to compensate us for the inconvenience an orange juice and a packet of chips. As I have no connecting flight and quite frankly all the time in the world there was no inconvenience for me and this was a nice gesture - however having had a connecting flight I would not of signed this paper. The delay ended up being quite painful as I was absolutely full of the flu and couldn't stop sneezing, that combined with standing in a cold airport with a few thousand pusses off Colombians wasn't helping. We finally boarded the plane 3 hours late and took off for Cali. As soon as I arrived I tried to find a phone but unfortunately they were all out of service - I ask the bus driver to use his phone and he somehow called the wrong number and I got a woman who could speak no English - he then charged me 10 x the price - in other words robbed me blind for making a call - I told him I wasn't stupid be he laughed and said you pay you pay. It really upset me how rude and disrespectful he was but what could I do. I boarded the bus and 45 minutes later I was at a stop- Carolina my host was not there waiting so I had to go find another phone and call. I waited again and at 11:30pm Carolina and her sister came and got me. They were both very nice and took me back to their family home where I met their Mother and brother. They have this crazy dog that kept barking at me which wasn't so fun but it was nice to be out of that dam airport.
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