The news this evening reports that the top temperature in Adelaide today was 46.7 degrees Celsius. Today I am very pleased that someone invented air conditioning!
After a continental brekkie at the hotel, including some delicious vegemite on toast, we headed out in an already 38 degree heat (9.45am) to walk to the Jam Factory. Our planned route for the day started here and worked back towards the hotel with strategic air conditioned building stops on the way. We were very disappointed to find that the jam factory arts and crafts centre was closed. Boo hiss Lonely Planet guide for misleading us. We peered through the windows and made our way to the Rundle Mall for some AC. We called in at an opal shop but came out empty handed.
I spent my hour of shopping time haring around trying to get bits for Lesley's birthday, which is next week. We reconvened, and having cooled down nicely headed out into the heat to walk to the Art Gallery of South Australia. We started in the cafe and had a delicious lunch whilst colouring in our place mats (see picture)! I found the gallery a little odd. There were some interesting Asian ceramic pieces but the European gallery was an odd mix, with highly contemporary pieces displayed alongside classics. I was not a fan of the horse thing, which, along with a number of other displays I found quite disturbing.
Having cooled down again we walked (via a slightly scenic route) to Tandanya, the National Aboriginial Culture Institute. We were melting slowly when we arrived, only to find that Lonely Planet inaccuracies had struck again... Twice in one day! It was closed. Grrr. We sat in the shade and replanned.
Today really was very hot indeed. Donks did a great lobster impression and I was loosing water as fast as I could drink it! We found ourselves standing in the shadow of lampposts to keep as cool as possible whilst waiting at pedestrian crossings!
We headed back to the mall for a cool drink and to pick up some fodder for a light supper. I walked back to the hotel alone and have spent the evening trying to reduce the content of my bags. I am back to my two original bags but have gained a couple of books, so need to think carefully before getting on a plane. Fortunately I've got a week to think about that!
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