Why hello all, hope everyone had an enjoyable christmas and new years?! Ours on the other hand was far from the cold weather and traditional turkey for christmas dinner! We spent the day lounging around the lagoon in the scorching heat eating burgers! Around the lagoon are many bbq's so we took some burgers and cheese and treated ourseleves to a very different christmas dinner!
On the next day we were up at 6am to catch our flight to Sydney. We spent the first night in a hotel nearby to the airport. As we had been used to the tempartures of 32-40 degrees in thre tropics to land in Sydney with the temperature at 18 degrees it was a wee bit of a shock to the system so our jumpers were needed! We werent in a very central part of Sydney so we went for a walk around and enduldged in a hot chocolate from the Holiday Inn hotel. Afterwards we went and had a game of bowling and a meal, then we spent the night lounging on our beds watching tv! Bliss!
The next day we court a shuttle bus to our hostel on Pitt Street just off George Street.
We started to walk up George Street which is the main shopping street within Sydney. We went into a gorgeous building called the Victoria building for a mooch at all the designer shops! After making our way through a few shops we headed to Martin Place then Hyde Park to walk around by the Australian Museum and St Marys Catherdral. After this we then headed to Darling Harbour and Chinatown. Darling Harbour is a stunning harbour surrounded by bars and entertainers.
The next day we headed down George Street to walk around the Rocks which is full of old worldey buildings and set in the middle of Sydney Harbour bridge and the Opera House.
We walked through the Domain which is a massive park area. Heading through the Royal Botanical gardens to Mrs McQuires chair which is a famous lookout area for the previous Governors wife.
After doing so we then walked onwards to Wooloolam wharf to sample the famous Harrys pies. Celebraties like Ralph Harris and Pamella Anderson and regular customers. The tradition is to have a pie with mashed potato and mushey peas doluped on top of the pie. We couldnt find room for such a massive feast so just stuck to a pie.
We then headed to Paddington which is a very fashion orinated area which boutiques and the wealthy.
After a day of seeing most of Sydney we headed to Paddys market for a mooch.
On new years eve we got up at 7am to head to the best spot we had found The Rocks. We were the very first to arrive and nabbed the best spot, sandwiched between the Sydney Harbour bridge and the Opera house. We sat there for 15 hours. Through out the day loads of people cogrigated around the area. We also had a camera crew come film us!
The fireworks were well worth the wait. All the boats were lite up. Fireworks went off at 9pm for a 8 minute show then come 12 the fireworks were going off everywhere, from around the Opera house to the other side of the bridge to coming off the actual bridge. The bridge is closed from 11pm till 1am while the fireworks go off. It takes 15 months to plan the display and estimated 1.5 million people cogrigate around the harbour to watch the spectaular display. I was unsure of where to look as there were that many that you didnt know where to look. The bridge was amazing and the finale was fantastic. For sure the best firework dsiplay ive ever seen.
The next day we spent most of it in bed! Lazy i no but after camping out for 15 hours we needed a day of rest. Found room to head to Pancakes on the rocks to endulge in some very goregous pancakes with icecream and chocolate sauce!!
The next day we headed to Surrey Hills which is very similar to Paddington and has loads of vintage boutiques which was awesome.
That night we met up with our friend Mitch whom we are staying with at the moment.
It was a pretty heavy night of drinking and took Lisa a whole day to get over!!
Yesterday we headed to Palm beach which is where Home and Away is filmed. We found the surf club with the A Stewart ownership signed upon it. Also found the famous walkway. Grant (Mitchs dad) very kindly took us out to the beach and showed us further bays along the way.
Today we headed to Bondi beach as the weather was nice. Bondi beach is really ncie and the waves were massive! It was packed though and we had to wait 40 minutes just to catch a bus back to the train station.
Tomorrow is our last day in Sydney as we fly out to Cairns on Thursday 7th at 9.25am.
We dont have a plan of action for tomorrow as there are menat to be storms.
Anyways its 11.50pm so im off to bed. Hope everyone is well and healthy.
lots of love xX
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