Hey all, as you can see i survived the largest sand island in the world FRASER ISLAND! Whoop go team Foz!! It was well good!
Before i get onto Fraser Island. After visiting Mooloolaba (which was awesome) we headed to Noosa. Not really much to see here but had gorge beaches. Went to Australia Zoo (Steve Irwins zoo) and got to feed elephants and kangaroos. So good. Sept we choose to do this on the hottest day of the year reaching 45 degrees! Beautiful if your lying on a nice cool beach!! The show in the Croc arena was well good, so impressed. Plus got to see the the keepers training the tigers. Tigers can swim well good. Didint no that. But hey ill stop babbling and start on Fraser Island.
We arrived at Rainbow Beach and were briefed of all safety procedures on the first day. This was also our first time in meeting our group of 11 which we were to be with for the next 3 days.
After getting up at 6.30am (much to my horror!!) the next day we scoffed free pancakes and had a further briefing and loaded up the 4x4 to make our way to the ferry.
As soon as we arrived on the island we got stuck. It was all hands to the decks as we pushed the car out of the sand. After about 5 attempts we finally were on our way. As there are know roads in fraser we had to go at a slow and steady speed. We were sqished in the back like little sardines which was fun, with an all included workout as we rattled along the very bumpy sand tracks.
Our fist stop was at Lake McKenzie this was the most stunning lake i have ever seen. Here we swan in the lake surrounded by gorgeous landscapped forest. It really was unbelivable.
After spending most of the day here we departed at 3.30pm in order to miss the high tieds. We set up camp along the beach. This meant no toilets and no showers! Funtimes people!! Wont go into detail there!
As there were a further 4 cars we all congregated at night to create our own little village. This involved swigging back goon and watching out for the very cheeky and greedy dingos. On this night the little b*****s crafterly helped them selves to our milk. Little b*****s!
After an uncomfortable night in the tent, we got up at 6.30am AGAIN! Killer! To make our way to the Indian Head lookout. At this time in the morning the sun felt like it was already hitting 30 degrees. At the lookout we your meant to see dolphins and sharks but unfotunately looked like there were still in bed! Wise. So we only got to see stingrays.
After doing so we walked along the beach to Champagne Falls. As there are so many stingers and sharks along the sea front we were advised not to swim in the sea so every chance we got to swim in safe waters we were in there. This was a sercluded little haven with a constant wave pool coming in from the sea. After doing so we visited a shipwreck and walked down Eli Creek.
During this time i got the chance to drive the car. All i can say is there was along of screaming involved as every sand dune we went over i kept thinking i was going to flip the thing. So blooming scary!
We headed back to set up camp for a last time. After tucking into chicken, veg and rice it was another night of games, star gazing and GOON!
Met some wicked peeps on the trip and had a right laugh with some Israeli chappys! Funtimes!
The next day we headed to Lake Wabby this was a half hour walk. Once we arrived we through ourselves into the water. In this lake catfish are renound for eating dead skin cells. Lucky for me some little b*****s liked the taste of my leg so kept having a nibble. Lovely!
After trapsing through the sand dunes we headed back to the car for lunch and made our way to the ferry to return back to Rainbow Beach. Sand was every where so first thing we did was head for the showers. Never enjoyed a shower so much in all my life.
We stayed there 2 nights and have now landed in Hervey Bay. Went to see New Moon today FINALLY! Whoop! Go team Jacob! But Daise if you read this you need to tell me what happens in the next book now and i need to know. Will bella say yes or no???!! i need to know.
Looking into where abouts we want to do a scuba dive and hoping to go extreme white water rafting! Whereby here the aim is to get thrown out of the boat! Whoop!
Anyways im hoping my pics will upload this time around as the comps are really slow and not liking my pics at the mo.
Hope all is well and enjoying the cold weather!? ha! Love to all xX
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