Hello all, Im now in the stunning Airlie Beach and leaving to do our Whitsundays sailing trip tomorrow. Whoop!
Since my last blog we have become cowgirls, learnt to whip crack and lasso, played bowls and just this second had a didgeridoo lesson! Madness!
After having a whlole beach to ourselves in Hervey Bay we then headed onwards to the very relaxing 1770 and Agnes Water. The night we arrived we joined the Oz Experience bus driver to watch the sunset with champagne and pizza! After this we headed to Captain James Cooks first landing spot and had a bbq.
We stayed in a gorge little cabin out of town with lake and swimming pool. On our balcony was a hamuck. Love them! There wasnt much to do here so we spent 3 days just chilling. Headed to the beach for a day and unfortunately got burnt! Had fun in the waves as this was the last point whereby you can go in the sea with out getting stung.
Went to the drive through liquor store. It was well good its just like McDonalds drive through but for alcohol! Funtimes! We also walked from our backpackers to the town which took 30 minutes but in the heat it felt like 3 hours. As you can see by the pics
i was well equipped with hat, sunnys, long t-shirt and water bottle. The sun wasnt going to burn me again! In the evening the hostel put on a free bbq. So we sat around the fire and ate sausage and steak. Minutes after was a thunderstorm but for 1770 this was a god sent as all the water used to run showers etc. relys upon the rain water. So some of the locals were rain dancing! Mad!
After our hard 3 days of chilling we headed to Kroombit Cattle ranch. Here we learnt how to lasso, whip crack and clay pigeon shoot. Oh forgot to mention also road a mechanical bull! Didnt last long on it though. We stayed in wooden sheds, which was an experience but after fraser one night in a shed was easy. Loved the whip cracking and would well do that again. As for the lassoing its along more technical than it looks but we both successfully court a goat skull. Also watched the guys put there skills to the test in lassoing a real goat, but my skills were to unsafe so i spared the goat from me attempting to catch him! Got electricuted as a game! We all held hands and as a kroombit 'game' got electricuted! After 2 times thats all you need. Trust me.
The day after we headed to Rockhampton. We stayed in Emu Park which is about 40 minutes out of Rockhampton. Here we did nothing. Another 2 days of chilling. We had our own room with tv, ensuite and balcony. True luxury. Also in the resort was a swimming pool so we spent most of our first day sunbaking around the pool. We did do some site seeing headed to a massive boat anchor shaped icon. Of which when the wind breezys through it it sings. Really stunning views from here of the surrounding islands and Keppel Beach.
lisa unfortunately frazzled her eyelashes in the oven. Not good. But shes ok. Just in need of some fake lashes now!!
The next day we had thunderstorms so we headed to Yeppon by bus the neighbouring village for some food supplies. Got absoulately soaked heading into town which was hilarious! Never been so wet through in all my life. The rain here isnt like home have a 1 minute serviour shower then it fade, it was turrential for 15 mins at least. ha!
Yesterday (3rd Dec) we had an 8 hours bus trip to Airlie beach. Between that time we stopped off for a game of bowls in Serina and picked mangos from off the trees along the highway. Mines still ripperning now. The pineapple out here is gorge and you can get one for $2 so been eating alot of pineapple.
Last night we sat on the beach and starred at the full moon. Stunning.
Today we went to a local market along the beach front which had loads of cute homemade bags and jewellery. Passed a parrot which pecked my finger the little b*****! Out here there are amazing parrots everywhere, in Emu Park we saw a massive black one with a lovely bright red tail. Also had a didgeridoo lesson. I got a bit of a sound out of it but it mainly sounded horrid, nothing like it should. Funny though. Loads to technique involved again with breathing from the nose and using your stomach.
Tomorrow we head to Whitsundays so i will hopefully have further stories to tell.
Hope all is well. Lots of love xX
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