Jono's Travels
Another Travel day today, today we head to Dubrovnik, or for you Game Of Throne fans "Kings Landing", apparently more people have actually checked In to Kings landing than they have in to Dubrovnik, to get there we first visit Mostar which has some old buildings, cobblestone roads and an old bridge about 21 meters high that people can jump of. Had I not had this ear infection chances are high that I would have tried jumping off the bridge myself. We walked around Mostar on our own, so while some people took off and saw the streets etc, some of us stayed around and watched a couple of tourists do the jump off the bridge. In order to do it however they need to prove that they can jump correctly so they are put down at another platform to jump off first which was somewhere between 7 and 10 meters. After they passed the testing side of the jumping they headed up to the bridge to jump. The male went first, he stuffed up the landing off the bridge and came down a bit to much on his butt, but the girl did her jump perfectly. After that the rest of us made our way to investigate the town, I made my way to find a chemist to purchase some more painkillers as I had run out. What I hadn't realised at the time is I had also left my ear drops back at the last hotel, had I realised I would have purchased more. Moving on from Mostar, it was onto Kings Landing, sorry I Dubrovnik... One of the spots where Game of Thrones is filmed at regularly. We arrived at about 3pm giving us plenty of time to do our own thing before meeting up again at 6, personally I needed to get my washing done, an expensive task considering it wasn't a huge amount a washing. About NZ$40 for a single bag of washing. However it did come back clean, folded and undamaged which is good seeing the last place I had my clothes at ruined two of my shirts. We got changed and ready for our first night out in Dubrovnik, we had dinner at a nearby restaurant and then made our way into town where we did a walking tour of the old city, the cobblestone floor was beautiful and smooth and you could easily slip on them if it's wet. It was an interesting tour showing us some of the local buildings and a quick talk about the walls, while some of the buildings had been damaged by quakes and stuff, they have all been rebuilt and the walls around the old city allow you to walk around the entire city. After our tour we moved onto the bars for a night out. I can't remember what the name of the bars are, but our first bar sold us our drinks in Buckets, Jars, or what the call a Tower I know them as Bar maids. I ended up drinking at least a couple of Jugs, at the thins of arriving we were the only people there, so it started quiet, but we must have brought the crowds as a Contiki tour group soon arrived and started drinking too. We then moved onto another club, I have no idea what is about these places we go to, as we arrived and there was no one there either. After a few drinks I just remember turning around to find he place was packed and me thinking, where did all these people come from. It was a crazy night out, leaving the bar sometime about 2:30am or 3:00am after spending a bit of time trying to track down a couple of the girls from our group. The others caught a cab back, While I decided to run back, surprisingly even without my running gear I managed running on the hills in my dress cloths for 3.5km, it was a great way to sweat out that excess alcohol, and the bottle of water I brought and drank before starting off certainly helped as well. Arriving back at the hotel I found Kyle downstairs surfing the wifi, he said the others had only arrived about 5 minutes before I got back. I was pretty happy with my time, only about 25 minutes, not the greatest time for me, but I was happy considering I wasn't wearing any running gear and I did stop in a couple of spots to look at the view.
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tall ryan Tall Ryan was hammered in that picture