Theres not alot here except loads of caves with amazing glow worms. we booked ourselves on the tour the next day
First thing we had to do was have some absailing training that took about 5 minutes! then we had to absail down 30 metres into the cave. I have done a 15000ft skydive but i was still scared when i had to take the first step off the ledge and trust the harness but when i started to lower myself i got right into it and started tryin push myself off the walls like they do in the movies!
when we got to the base we got out of the harness and then walked into the cave we had miners hats on the ones with the lights on the front so we could all see quite clearly we walked for about 5 minutes deep into the cave, and then our guide told us to turn our lights off. It went pitch black and it was abit spooky but on the roof of the caves you can see thousands of glowworms it looks abit like the night sky or when i had illuminous stickers on my ceiling when i was a kid (about 2 years ago!)
we all walked around in the dark for a while then we went back to the begining of the caves and got a rubber ring to sit on then floated down a underwater river into another part of the cave it was really cool laying there going under all the worms and then we came to some tight tunnels. We had to leave the rings and then climb through it was quite tight and we had to really work our way through them, im glad im not that claustraphobic (i think thats how you spell it)
so qwe did some exploring of the caves then it was the time to rock climb out of the cave, Kris went first because she was nervous, she started really well then got about half way and lost her footing and fell a few metres i was well worried i didnt know what to do, but i was rooting for her and getting her motivated to finish the climb, she got to the top what a relief! i thought i might have to do abit of a cliffhanger an rescue her. i was second to last it was a hard climb some bits were almost vertical but i made it.
it was a relly fun day out off to auckland now
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