Johny and Stef's Left all the way
We left Darry's abode to the nearby border of QLD. A couple pf pics and off we went. There was a massive amount of kangaroo roadkill with up to 40 per klm. Apparently not recommended driving at dusk. Warily we made our way through to Cunnamulla and ended up at the Riverside C/van park. We set up camp and rushed back into town to the pub for a quick few beers and some groceries.
- comments
chika hi dad, fist of all, do not slack around taking pictures!! second of all, w hen you said 'road kill' in the text, did you mean my pet PANDA?!?!?! if you did, you do not want to feel the pain!! only joking, but still do not call my panda 'road kill!!!!!' XOXOXOXOXO -chika-