The king of the beast
This morning is our last safari at Kicheche ,it has been an experience Shirley I will never forget.
We are going to see the rhino in their guarded area , hopefully find the Acacia Pride which we saw the other day and look for the elusive cheetah and leopard.
We are picked up at 6.30 am and start our safari ,down a couple bumpy dirt tracks , and Benjamin said that they are there,he drove straight over to them and then for the next 15minutes we were thoroughly entertain by this Pride.
12 cubs wrestling ,female standing guard, all of them within five meters of our jeep , some coming even closer ,todays album has great pictures of this.
We left the lions to move on to the rhinos but we saw two jeeps park near a tree ,our driver suggested we should have a look, under the tree were 2 cheetahs just laying , doing nothing, we took a couple of photos , I don't know if it was the clicking of the cameras or a distant wilder beast, but without warning one stood ,mark his territory ,then stroll around and now the photos took on a new perspective .
When big cats are resting it is hard to get the type of photos to do them justice,so hopefully the album will capture just some of the wonder.
Ok now we are going straight to the Rhinos ,it will take 45 minutes, but when we arrive and are taken to where they are, I would do that trip every day of my life just to be able to stand next to these magnificent prehistoric animals the photos will say it all.
The day has been much more than expected surely this is all for us today , but when the Gods are smiling on you anything can happen and it did, the park ranger where the Rhinos live had spotted 2 fully grown male lions pull down a Zebra ,he said they were still in the area and should be easy to find. We were go back down the hill when we spotted one ,Ben moved the jeep into position,and again you judge for yourself ,Are male lion ,the king of the beast
This our last blog of Kicheche ,a new safari will begin tomorrow ,so again we say goodbye for now.
Luv Shirley & John.
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