Day 15. 12/9/2018
Goodbye plitvica lake, hello Zadar
Woke by a slight change in temperature , help I need a jumper , I begin another day of moving . Shirley has ask me not to wake her to 7.30 and it just 6.00 now ,what can I do, catch up on the NRL that will fill in time, wifi very s, l o, w.
At last time has travel and I am in the shower, packing my bag, stowing the electrical stuff ,ready to go when called upon. Eager , yes I am, seen the lakes ,went out for tea, caught a taxi to and from this lovely little restaurant called Degenija . It is a sad day the the taxi cost as much as this very beautiful meal. Lesson learnt barter before you get in.
Our journey to the bus stop was a much safer one then on our arrival ,we had checked it out an d found a safer way if only a bit longer ,couple of minutes. We made two new acquaintances from Darwin , lovely people like to know them better . The bus to Zadar arrives on time and by 9.35 we are off. The trip is a better sight seeing one then our trip to the lakes as we head south east towards the coast, 1.5 hr later we are in Zadar . What was a shame was shirley needed the ladies room , no go, only for patrons so I had to buy a beer ,a pint rotten luck.
Shirley now came to the fore with her tourist guide knowledge, get us to our apartment in the old town of Zadar ,its in a block of units ,one block of units from the Adriatic Sea amazing, and it is picture perfect day and it only 12.30.
We met the woman who rented the apartment to us and she gave us the spiel on what to see and do, no waiting , rocket booster on we have takeoff. The old town is located on a small peninsula but also was over many centuries built over the remains of a Roman Village .These Remain have been excavated and made this town something of a marvel. I have taken a few pictures of all the Roman ruins.
Zadar has a very hash past with invasion ,right from the 9th century B.C. Up until 1991 when theYugoslav rocket kept Zadar under siege for 3month.
From all these invasions and bombings this area has taken, it is a credit to the Croatian people how beautiful this town is today . The old town is all we wanted to see but there is a lot more if you are looking for bigger spaces.
After all the walking we decided to rest , and recharge our batteries, course even the everready rabbit runs down. We had a drink at The Bon Appetit restaurant and are going back to eat , right on the water front ,on sunset glass ,of wine couldn’t be better.the menu was greater but in the end we both chose homemade pasta, I spaghetti with shrimp and chill,Shirley, Tagliatelle with and shrimp
and prosciutto, both were cooked to the old Italian method ,melting in our mouths.
Afterwards we again walked around the town but this time the vibe was more electric ,the beat was by far a more party type mood. The streets were alive with people not sight seeing but enjoying a new adventure as were we , a food and refreshments kind, it felt very safe. Out along the waterfront to the water organ which uses the motion of the sea to push air up and out to make musical noises , plus we saw the Greeting to the sun, which is a solar insulation on the shore footpath which serves as a tourist attraction and a power supply for the lights along the walk way.
Well for a short stay we covered a lot of things hope you have enjoyed . Moving to Split so splitting the blog for now.
Love you all Shirley and John
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