ive got a pic just like the one above but with me on it wooooooo hahaha.
thats officially the best thing ive ever ever done ever!!!!!!! was absolutely amazing. got so much to say about it but dont really know where to start! i guess the first thing is that Barn didnt get over her illness and despite trying really hard on day 1 had to drop out cause she was so ill, that was gutting for all of us. other drama in the group involved more sickness and another girl twisting her ankle at the top.. think i was pretty jammy to escape without incident or injury!
Onto the good stuff.. the trail itself was amazing, pretty tough in parts and it pissed it down on us more than once . i think it was around the point when it began sleeting and it emerged my dads cagule id borrowed wasnt waterproof, that i started to regret packing tomato ketchup and warrior paint instead of a spare pair of trousers. but we did get great views most of the way. im also pleased to report the ketchup was not required as the food was out of this world, i have no idea how the porters got it all up there! they were absolute legends - sprinting past u uphill with all the gear- my favourite was the cute little waiter who dressed smarter than all the others and knocked on our tent in the morning with hot chocolate rrrrr!!! they looked after us so well. our addiction to Uno and the bar on night 3 were also definitely highlights haha.
On day 4 we finally arrived at Macchu Picchu after getting up at 4am! unfortunately the morning was one of the worst and we could barely see the ruins from the sun gate cause it was just pure cloud! we hung around the ruins for a bit, our guide(who was pretty rubbish, we found it funny she couldnt keep up with us and we had to keep waiting for her haha) gave us a tour and the others gave up & went back down on the bus to get pizza. however, me and barn (who had met us earlier at half 6) were having none of this and decided to climb the mountain overlooking macchu picchu. we´re so glad we did this because the cloud cleared just as we got to the top, and by the time we were back at the ruins the sun had come out - so we took about 3 thousand wicked photos !
I´m just back in Agnes Calientes now waiting for our train back to Cusco. We´re not going to get back til about 10 / 11 ish which means its going to be a hardcore week cause we´re heading to the amazon straight away tomorrow for a few days. Im sure my clothes will smell great not having time to wash them after this!!! haha loving getting away with being a scrubber!
Anyway, this was really just a blog about how amazing the inca trail was. if i had the chance id do it again tomorrow, even though i currently cant feel my legs or feet. the whole experience was brilliant, loved everything about it, just a shame Barns wasnt there but we had an ace day today adventuring off haha so that made up for it!
I´m sure theres loads of stuff that ive missed out but think u get the idea. I´m also now pretty confident that im a reincarnated inca.
Hope everyone is well
Lots of love xxxx
ps. will add pics when get bag back with my cable! wooo
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