New Zealand looks amazing especially with your new companion Donde.
Best wishes for Fiji and Aus.
David Bowie
We could be heroes. just for one day.
Vicki Lampitt
Just to let you know about my previous message. I didn't go all the way to Devon just for a wee!lol I meant to say I went for a week.
Speak you soon Jesso! :-p :-p
Vicki Lampitt
Hey Richardson, I'm so sorry I havent been in touch for so long. The reason I hadn't facebooked you for ages was cus I was away for nearly all of august. Went to Devon for a wee (No internet), then went to Indonesia for 8 days with work (facebook banned on work network), then went to V, then went to a wedding in London where I stayed for 5 days. Phew! Sound nearly as busy as Anyway, just wanted to apologies, I have been thinking about you a lot, and I did text but not sure if yu got it. So, I have been back about two weeks now so feel free to tell me off for leaving it till now to get in touch. Unfortunatly facebook is banned at work and internet at home only works when it feels like it. How have you been? Your pics are ace, you certainly look like your having fun. Have you met many cool ppl? Am so jeleous, would love to be out there with you. :-).
I love you loads and wait for you to come home!!!! Will be in touch loads from now on to see what your up to. Have fun, dont do anything I wouldn't do!
Hola Jess, have been reading your blogs and looking at pics. Am very jealous, looks amazing. Although your feet don't look too good in recent pics, lol. Your Salt Flats photos are great. My friend Kat has just got back from South America so she's been giving me a running commentary on your pics. Abrazos y besos (I bet your Spanish is better than mine now!). Que te vaya bien! Charlie x x
Hello dedde - I liked your pringles photo! And thankyou for the bracelet (mine... kind of... fell off... in a pool... in Holland.) I don't really have it any more. Missing you loads,
Da Holster. xx
Barns Dad
Hi Ricky
Why is everyone calling you Jess?
Glad to hear you are all having a great time. The photos look brill.
Look after Barn and make sure she is behaving herself and not spending too much money.
Barns Dad
Hi Jess.... reading your blogg with interest. Hope you're well. Missing you x
Jaynie Waynie
Hi Jess, Glad your having a fantastic time yet still managing to keep us informed! Loving the blog diary entries... Sorry not replied to your email - it's been MEGA at work as LDP time!! I'm keeping everyone informed of your antics tho.... xx
Hi Jess. Really enjoyed looking at your photos and reading your blog. Not only your mum who's interested! I'm very jealous, looks like you're having a great time and seeing some amazing sights. Take care. xx
Yay! Got here first, which officially means I'm you're biggest, and only fan.
Just thought I'd say how much I'm going to miss you and that I hope you have the best time, which I'm sure you will. Stay safe, beware of too much wine, and never look down when you're using the toilet.