soooo after Rio, we went back to Sao Paulo but this time ventured out the bus station! We had gone with Mateus, Vinnie and Caio so they helped us with the buses, subway, hostel, taxis, gig, everything! Only me moore and sul went to see the Hives with the boys cause Barn was feeling poorly and Grant wasnt really arsed haha she stayed and sorted out floranopolis accomodation for us too rr.
The hives were dead good.. everyone went mental and had a wicked night. The support band (4 girls.. a problem area for me to listen to) tho, were clearly only famous cause they were hot! haha we went back after this, suprising cause really wouldve been up for going out but we`d spent quite a bit on tiks (esp cause dont have student card grr) so decided best to save money.
The next day we went for a look round the Japanese area of Sao Paulo and had some fittt noodles, then set up camp with some beers on the pavement, constructing our own seating area with the chairs from inside the cafe. It was real sad saying goodbye to the guys on the way back and i think everyone felt a bit homesick that day.. Its also the first time its been literally just us 5.... However, arriving at SP bus station half an hour later who did we bump into but bloody Rich haha he was confused cause we`d said we werent even going to that city.. then it turned out not only was he on the same bus as us, but the seat next to sully! ...and normality was restored having motormouth back whittering on while everyone was trying to sleep lol
We arrived in Floranopolis really early in the morning and were practically dead meeting everyone at brekkie. this is an island quite far down the coast on the way to BA we decided to stop at for some chill out time. Its in the middle of a sea and a lagoon.. very pretty.. but very rainy. we looked around the town on the first day and me moore and grant went out with a few people to a brazilian dancing place at night. This was good for a quiet night and also we found out some people there were staying at the same hostel as us in BA so hung out with them etc
We watched a lot of dvds the next day cause it just rained.. so we decided it was time to up and leave and planned our bus route to BA: via porte alegra and spending a day in Montevideo, capital of Uruguay. Unfortunately, we had to do the 2 massive bus trips on Sully`s birthday but managed to aquire 23chocolate truffles which shes obsessed with to have a cake for her. We wanted to go for a meal but she had her strop on cause shes not a big fan of her bday, so me moore grant and barnster went for a meal in between buses (and spoke to the parental unit for the last time cause leaving brazil so cant receive calls for free anymore).. then on the way back we suprised sul to cheer her up. we wanted to put the candles in the cakes but they just ended up squidging so instead we held them but had to walk thru half the station so we just ended up looking like a religious procession haha. anyway sul really appreciated it and i dont think many were left after the 13hr journey that followed!
once we arrived in Uruguay we found Red Hostel.. then realised we had forgotten to ask about buses and ferries to BA.. so had to go back to the station to sort that out, retards. we walked through all the centre of Montevideo and actually really liked the look of Uruguay! we werent sure thered be much to do there but had a good time pottering about and in the evening were a bit gutted having to go back early to get ready for our 6am gettup. must just make a note about the incredible egg mayo sandwiches me and grant made, i think they deserve to be remembered for years to come haha.
So then before we knew it, it was 6.30am, time to depart... BA Awaits!
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