We arrived in Lima early in the morning and went straight to the hostel which was in Miraflores. We got a taxi there and were pretty shocked at the difference from Santiago travelling through all the outskirts of Lima. It has to be mentioned that our taxi driver was the biggest legend in the world! He was a little old man who was telling us about where we were (and to lock our doors etc!) he drove at about 3mph.. which compared to our other taxi ride of Lima (near death experience) made it quite enjoyable and played us peruvian music for us to get our groove onto!
Miraflores was a lot more touristy and we went to get some grub at a shopping market that was basically built on the cliffside of the pacific in the blazing sun.. good stuff!! Later on that night we found a bar which was pretty and i played the barman at pool in an attempt to get free beers.. we dont talk about the score! we also plugged in our ipods and reaped in the crowds hahaha so then some people we´d made friends with from the hostel took us to a salsa club! we all thought we were the bees knees at this but clearly looked like complete idiots! it has to be noted that i also got BED BUGS from this hostel.. gross. fiver a night for a reason it appears!
The next day we went to meet up with our GAP group.. turns out we are staying in a group of 14 for the next 3 weeks. the people all seem really nice and have spent a couple of days with them already & having lots of fun. our tour guide is a peruvian woman who we think is only about 25, very quiet and on her first tour.. !
The first day on the tour we went to Pisco. a town that is practically now in ruins because of an earthquake earlier this year. feels good that our moneys helping them restore it. They took us to see where they make Pisco Sour and also had a tasting session. Id like to say this was a new experience but we´d had it the night before. and the day before that. and currently have a bottle in our room haha.
Later that afternoon (yes , we got up at 6 to fit this in!) we went SANDBOARDING. i dont think i even knew this sport existed! basically we went out into the desert on buggies which absolutely burned it up the dunes. the driver was just going full pelt up and down these massive drops.. the ride there was probably better than the actual boarding.. it was like a rollercoaster.. think sully screamed the entire way! we then parked up and the dude gave us basically a plank of wood to lie on and the dune was MASSIVE.. no easing you in! i was bricking it to begin with but it was so ace when you did it!! really sureal as well in the middle of the desert going down these huge random dunes.. wish id taken some pics of it.. was awesome.
think il leave it at that for now - everyone else has gone to bed.. me and barn are hardcoring it in our pjs.. got another early start tomorrow (half 6 aaahhhh) for the Nazca lines.. will try keep this updated.. not sure if anyones reading it tho other than mum haha (hiiiii mum)
miss you all loads
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