second bulletin of the trip! bit behind schedule.. thought would do a quick one for valparaiso and the rest of the time we spent in CHile afterwards. not sure i can really remember much now other than our disasters with it! we decided to only go to the sea for the day (rather than stay a night as we originally intended to do as everyone at the hostel said it was a bit rubbish) - best decision ever! we arrived there to thick smog, u couldnt see the person in front of you let alone the sea and pretty port an effort to restore the trip we decided to break open Barns SOuth American Lonely Planet guide for the first time haha.. we set off in search of the studenty area only to be harassed along the way and then finally stopped by a chilean women saying to turn back around as we were walking into the ghetto. so then we resorted to what we did best - eating! 4 of us braved a traditonal valparaiso fish dish - was scary stuff, we were pretty certain we were all going home with salmanella! finally to top it all of we were followed for the entire walk by a stray dog.. who then got all his mates involved too. he even waited for us outside shops (see fazbook pic) so thought it only fitting to give him a name (Rabies Rex).
We came back for 1 more day in Santiago.. we were hoping to do a wine tour but screwed that one a bit as we didnt know it was a bank holiday and all the wineries were closed. It was actually quite nice though to have a day to get ourselves sorted and we had to be up at 4am anyway ... for our flight to Lima....!!!!
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