Last day in Prague and we were shattered so had a lie in! Once up we wandered to the astronomical clock tower and went to the top. Very high and such good views of the old town below. We found a spot of lunch and then wandered through the shops were Ellie treated herself to a lovely pandora charm. I was going to treat myself to a ring but then when it got to paying the lady said the price was different to what was advertised on display. I obviously tried to argue with her that she should sell to me at the price it is advertised but she wasn't having any of it so just to make a point I left it. We are now on a mission for the rest of our trip to find that ring so I can buy it! :-) next we wandered round some of the sights we hadn't been to before and then went to the ice bar! Shorts and flip flops were not a good choice of attire! Absolutely freezing! Had a free shot in an ice glass and took a few photos and then got out!!! Was the one time we were glad of how hot it was outside! Once defrosted we wandered back to our apartment to cook dinner (proper backpacker style). We had fish fingers, frozen veg, ketchup and bread. Sounds strange but was good- we were just craving something other than pasta, pizza and burgers!!!
We then decided to go and get a glass of prosecco to end our time nicely in Prague- you would think it would be easy with some many restaurants, bars and cafés around the square but NO!! We spent ages trying to find somewhere that a) sold prosecco b) sold it by the glass c) accepted card as payment d) did not have a stupid minimum amount to spend on card. We were getting so frustrated but we finally found a lady who took pity on us i think and we finally had our glass of prosecco :-) lovely end to a great few days in Prague! Next stop: Munich!!
- comments
Alison Sounds like another fab city. Have a great time in Munich....I love Germany. Just keep in mind, there'll be no Prosecco problems once you hit Italy!!