Segway day today! Woke up very excited that we would be speeding around the city on a segway!! Was a bit nerve wracking at first learning how to do it, especially on the cobbled streets but we soon got the hang of it and were excited and wanted to get going. We had a great tour guide (Honza) who was so enthusiastic and fun and taught us so ma much about the different parts of the city. We started on the castle side (lesser quarter) and then went righty to the top of the hill where we saw amazing views. When up there Honza let us undo the speed limit so we could really race- quite scary but fun!!! At the top of the hill was a tiny beer garden and Honza treated all of us in the group to a traditional Czech beer "Na zdraví" which means 'to your health'. We then got back on the segways and travelled across the river to the Old Town and then through the Jewish Quarter. We learnt that the cemetery there had to fit all the Jews in and they ran out of space so layered graves on top of each other (there are currently 9 layers)!!!!
After segway we grabbed some lunch, wandered through some shops and then had a power nap before the evening. We had dinner at a boat restaurant (Marina Grosseto) which was lovely but the food was realllllly slow coming out and we had to wait ages. You had to have a reservation to dine there but we were sneaky and got in without one saying we had booked... Ha! Think we only got away withit because we were foreign! :-) after food we didn't top as didn't feel we should and felt bad so needless to say we made a very hasty exit! After wards we went to one of he Hilton hotels and had a glass of wine in the sky bar (common theme here) and had views of Prague at night. Now we are back and quote achy from today so looking forward to having a relaxing last full day in Prague tomorrow! :-)
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