We headed out of Adelaide on the A# to the coastal suburb of Glenelg where the first settlers landed in South Australia and there is a replica of HMS Buffalo which is now a restaurant.
Southwards took us through Brighton, Hove and Kingston Park - apart from the names no other similarities. Our coffee and donut stop was Victor Harbour, previously a whaling station, where they have a horsedrawn tram between the town and Granite (Penguin) Island - historically used for transporting goods to be shipped but now carrying tourists to see the penguins. Although we took photos we didn't take the ride as it is turning a bit chilly now and we are fairweather travellers!
Travelling down towards Robe we could have been anywhere in the south west of England. The scenery was so similar but hardly any traffic or people, just cows and sheep which I had to restrain Ray from!! We drove for the first time in the dark which was really scarey. With no lighting and bush either side we were praying (well I was) that a kangaroo didn't jump out. We have seen so many dead on the road that have been hit by passing traffic. We were told afterwards that wombats are more of a problem on that stretch of road.
Robe is described as a picturesque coastal fishing village, which it is, but there is a vastness about all places here, not compact and crowded like the UK.
One of the historical markers here was a Chinese memorial to all those who travelled to Victoria's goldfields in the mid 1800s. It seems that the Europeans slapped a tax on all Chinese immigrant gold prospectors, so to avoild paying this they came in through the 'backdoor' and walked overland 300 miles to the goldfields. Hope it was worth it if they survived!! Mind you faced with the Tang or whatever dynasty in China they probably were on a safer bet. Still wouldn't fancy walking it as the driving is pretty tedious!!!
Anyway after our history lesson for the day we struggled to the pub - a very British looking little pub - with a big log fire; only 19 degrees outside but considered cold here. It was very welcome whatever the temperature.
Jen and Ray
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