Wow, not a good start to our visit to Viet Nam, as we land, a pair of stupid Yanks on our flight mistakenly take my bag from the over-head compartment on the plane, I'm convinced my bag's been robbed, 'cos i didn't see them take it, and I'm panicking like Michael Jackson's Doctor! Then, magically, my bag re-appears, with someone else's guide-book in it, and I'm now convinced the Yanks have planted drugs in it! That wasn't the case, as it turns out, they weren't criminal masterminds, they were just a dozy pair of idiots.
All's well that ends well, and hopefully they'll have all their money robbed and have to go back to the USA!
The journey from the airport to Hanoi was interesting too. I realise that most cities can look a bit rough on the outskirts, but imagine if Birmingham was nuked, yeah, like that, but dirtier!
We got to the hotel, and they couldn't find the booking, but we sorted that out, and now have a really nice room (with free WiFi, yeah, 'straya, in your face!).
We decided to go out to get our bearings, and it nearly blew our minds. It's so busy, crowded, noisy, and dirty, but also exciting and exotic. It's only 3 hours from Singapore, but it seems a million miles away. We did a tour of the old town in a little electric-car ( it was a milk-float with seats), whizzing in and out of great swarms of mopeds, it was great! Got a full day tomorrow, so Sal is now compiling an itinerary for us, the highlight being a trip to see Uncle Ho Chi Minh, wonder if we should take him a pressie?
- comments
Denise Looking forward to this bit of the trip more than 'strya personally. So keep up with the blog and have fab time xx
Denise W Sounds like you will be having an interetsing experience, not sure uncle Ho will appreciate the present ..hope the queues are not too long! Enjoy and have fun. I loved the food it was fantastic . D x
Jeff & Sal Hi you two! No FB in 'Nam, so we'll be updating here instead! Denise, are you still in Woolton? Pass our love on to Andrew. Good win for your boys in the cup, eh! Man U seem to be the biggest team in 'Nam, LFC very popular in Singapore! In other news, saw a bloke with 12 live pigs on the back of a moped, stunning!
Denise Still here. Cup win was great but we need points... Did you get a pic of the piggies? Waiting for the update : )
Sally Anne No piccie of the pig unfortunately. They really were squashed in & alive. Didn't put Jeff off eating pork for lunch though! Regularly seeing trees carried on the back of mopeds particularly lucky new year pink blossom trees.