Just a quick one to say that we are safe and sound in Christchurch for a few days before we fly back to OZ on the 18th. Ben has now set off on his own adventures to Tahiti and beyond. We have 3 luxurious nights in our own room and a proper bed. Yippee! Looking forward to meeting up with Tony and Ainsley and Janet's family again soon. Big hi to Winnie i know you are reading this. Thanks for staying in touch. Have a great half term everyone back home. xxx
Just read your postcard - all sounds fantastic very jealous, thanks for the delivered postie too oh and the emailed photos i think you have done just enough to make me wish i wasn't working!! Were good - Half term - yahoo. Arabellas as cute as ever chatting away now - Dada, Vava and lots of SSSsssss hasn't quite mastered mama yet!! have lots planned for the break as ever then its count down to our snowboarding hol!!yahhoo. You take care out there big HI to Ben love m,j,a
Hi Winnie, congratulations you clever little thing, you! I am very proud of you as is your dad. My mum says you were confident all along, well done. Whatever next, first a star of the stage and now an academic genius, not sure I'll recognise you when we get back!! We saw the video that Uncle Nicholas took when you all went on holiday though and you look exactly the same to me - you clearly hide your talents under a cloak of Winnie-ness! We are nearing the end of our NZ trip now and will be back in Adelaide by the 23rd of February so should be able to speak to you again in a couple of weeks. Lots of love from your evil step-mother (boo, hiss!)
J.Guy Band, great to hear from you. Exellent vibes from across the world. Had no good sounds for ages now. Great to hear that the HG's have reformed, i'll have to look out for any gigs in Adelaide, Melbourne or Perth when we pass through. We have hd some amazing wildlife encounters of late, including the rare Hector Dolphin, Yellow-eyed penguins and the even rarer Fiordland penguin. Also NZ fur seals and Hooker sea lions which are the rarest of the sea lions. ( Q looking for a hooker jokes) Last night we went out to the only mainland albatross colony in the world. It was fabulous to see these birds at such close range. Unfortunately the only way to see them on the nest sites was to pay on a guided tour which costs lots. Its a shame that such an amazing wild encounter has become a tourist attraction exploited by the government conservation body here. Anyway, we head north to go whale watching at Kaiapora before a few days in Christchurh and return to OZ in searcg of the mighty HG's. Te;ll Billy we saw him in Sydney just to make him feel a little more stalked! Speak again soon. Big congrats to Winona when you speak to her for passing her scholarship exam. She is a little star. Bye
Incredibly annoyingly, I am on free internet use and am completely unable to send any messages via email. I will try again later though. Thanks for all the messages. We are at the bottom of the South Island now, in the Scottish town of Dunedin, it's identical to a Scottish town, complete with torrential downpours of rain! Lots of love to all x J
Hannah Chiswell
Hi Ms. Looks so fun! Got a new e-mail address- [email protected], I will e-mail you soon and update you on everything. Luv Hannah x
G'day guys, hope you're enjoying the south island. Keep an eye out for keas and kakapos! Had a great trip to Oman. What an amazing place! Spectacular scenary, very mountainous with huge wadis (alluvial plains). People are really friendly and everything is dirt cheap. Looking forward to doing some diving there and exploring the country a bit more when I journey that way for the job sometime in March. Singapore was also a lot of fun. Took the cable car to Sentosa island and underwater world, visited the zoo, night safari and Jurong bird park. Was well impressed by their subway system, and again, everything dirt cheap! Got plenty of photos to show you of SG when you come back to Adelaide. Been doing a fair bit of diving since you've been away and just clocked up 200 hours 2 weeks ago. See you soon!
J Guy Band With The J J And D Harmony Hummingbirds
Word up brothers and sisters ... aloha and welcome to the swamp. Apologies for not being in touch of late ... very, very poor and no excuses except I find I'm always at the back of the queue in the public library when I want to use the Internet. Games and kids should be banned from using the bloody things in public places. Come the revolution ...
Anyway, excellent last postcard. Very exciting indeed. So many geysers you could almost imagine you were in Canning Town. Have they all got names like Vinnie Jones? The walking sounded superb. I must be in tune with your Antipodean surroundings because Australian sounds have been emanating from the stereo on a more than inferquent basis of late. The glorious new Nick Cave record, the splendid best of from the Go-Betweens and the magnificent Kinky by The Hoodoo Gurus. Fantastic. And, lo, it came to pass that they've reformed and have a new album out. Hurrah! Also featuring large of late are the excellent Mull Historical Society (Loss), Hamel on Trial (Coochtown), Marshall Crenshaw (Best of ... a real grower), and the Mekons (Best of and brialliant). Hey, and things just get better. Chuck Prophet's playing The Railway Tavern in Winchester in April. Small town gigs.
The other reason I've been so busy is that I've got a third job! as caretaker for the village hall. It generally involves locking and unlocking doors and helping old biddies with chairs and tables. I am rapidly becoming the minimum wage man of the village and only on Saturday was there more potential earnings as someone wanted to know if I was available for looking after the beach car park in the summer. My business card now clearly states that I will only accept work that no one else is willing to do. The last resort man. Spring is in the air and things are looking fine. We saw our first two lambs of the year two weeks ago and Jill and I were very excited. I've mentioned it to everyone I've spoken to since and they're very nonchalent about it ... mutterings about city folk being whispered under their breath. Jill, Daisy and Joe are fine. Daisy was down in Buckfast Abbey last week on a history trip and had to interview a monk. She was very impressed with his Nike trainers and Sony Walkman. Was mildly disturbed by his selction of music - Cradle of Filth and Napalm Death. Only the last bit is untrue, lest I be struck down by lightning on the way home tonight. Jill is now known around the village as the woman who runs ... or wonder woman dependent on whether she's with you or not. We can rebuild her.
Keep hanging 10. Oh, and Billy's playing the village hall as part of the next village barn dance on 12th February. A political statement no doubt. Actually, this is a very controversial issue in the village judging by the amount of groans from the blue rinse set at the meeting on Saturday. As I say, come the revolution ...
See you
Jonathan, Jill, Joe and Daisy
Hello - sounds like you're having fun! Not into bungy jumping? what's wrong with you girl!! remember Alton towers!! you conquered Nemesis -- having said that you wouldn't of course get me to Bungy jump in amillion years. Got parents evening tonight. I have 34 kids in my group and have to see every parent. Going to be talking for 3 hours non stop. I'm out of practise at that since you went away!! x x x
I quote
"a hug and a kiss and a pram and a train and a tortopus. Auntie Janet is my friend" x x x
Lisa R
Well we made a cd for the Tsunami appeal. When I say we, Simone and Seb arranged it and some teachers played in a band (Dave Wyatt, Alan Beer, Tracy Webb and Sarah Hill who is the new music teacher) and then about 400(?) teachers and students all sung 'With a little help from my friends' in the New Hall. The atmosphere was great and we were on Westcountry and Spotlight. Will e-mail soon. Love Lisa x x
Pete And Janet
Just a quick Hi to Bryn, thanks for getting in touch. Hope you had a great time at the zoo. Say hi to your Mum and Dad for us. Its little Win's birthday soon so say hello to her for us. J.Guy if you are out there drop us a line, we have not heard from you for a while. Hope all is well. Bye Bye. xxx