Peter and Sissel were so generous that they wanted to pay for my fjord sightseeing trip, despite my insistence otherwise. They couldn't go since they had to watch the kids so Peter dropped me off at the dock and I set off by myself! The boat trip lasted about 2 hours and took us up through the fjords to a little town called Mo. I sat on the second story of the boat the whole time, which is uncovered. It turned out to be a perfect day, so I got to enjoy the warm sunshine as the incredible landscape passed by. Right before they dock in Mo, they pull up alongside this waterfall and fill a bucket from it and then go around and offer people glasses of the water. When we got off, I sat on the beach and dipped my feet in the water which was freezing (though it didn't stop the kids there from playing in it!). On the way back to Bergen, I took a bus through the mountains which turned out to be just as beautiful as the boat tour through the fjords. The roads that we drove on were barely wide enough for one car so there were several points where we had to wait for people to back up to a spot where we could go past them. Along the way, our driver reminded us to keep an eye out for the trolls! She was a great tour guide and told us all about the landscape and some Norwegian history (she actually ended up going an hour over the scheduled time). I got back to Bergen and Peter picked me up and we drove back to their house. The kids were already in bed, so the three of us had dinner (delicious homemade sushi!) and talked for awhile. I showed them pictures of my trip today and they showed me pictures of some of their travels in Europe and suggested some places I should visit before we all went to sleep. I leave for Oslo in the morning where Sissel has set me up to stay with her sister! I can't thank Peter and Sissel enough for everything they've done for me and I feel very lucky to have been able to share a few short days with them!
- comments
Jenna jeez your being spoiled!
jessica Wow jay you are having lots of fun adventures!!!
John Wow Jaybyrd you are having lots of fun adventures!!! We miss you and are glad that you are having a wonderful time meeting people and see so many fun places.
John Wow Jaybyrd you are having lots of fun adventures!!! We miss you and are glad that you are having a wonderful time meeting people and see so many fun places.
mama Wish I could be in norway with you but somebody has to work. I love and miss you!!