Tuesday night we had a farewell dinner with M&N at Browsers in Riccarton. The girls were in their usual high spirits and we had a lovely time. For Christchurch people this is well worth a visit – lovely meal and good price! By this time I was starting to feel quite nervous about the prospect of the big flight but was trying hard to put it to the back of my mind.
The next morning we had until 2pm to do any remaining messages, feed the birds and tidy up the house. M&N came to pick us up and delivered us to the airport. When we arrived in Auckland Graeme came and picked us up and took us to dinner at The Dominion where we met up with Ev & Des for a very nice dinner. Thursday morning we headed for Auckland International airport to hook up with our flight to Hong Kong. We flew Cathay Pacific on an A340 Airbus – very nice aircraft. The flight was very good and we both managed to get a bit of sleep – mine with the help of a couple of stiff whiskeys and a pill courtesy of my doctor! Food was very good by the way.
We arrived in Hong Kong 9pm and made our way the Regal Hotel which is part of the Hotel complex. Our room was very plush and once again we slept exceptionally well. We had to be back to departure at 7.30 as the flight left at 9.30am. This time the plane was a 747 and we were in Row32 which was the 3rd row of economy and very handy to the door just in case we wanted to get off! Good flight again and arrived in London early at 3.15pm their time. After queuing for ages got through to arrivals and there was marie waiting for us – which was so nice. Marie came with us to our hotel and helped to make the whole process very smooth. The hotel is just across the way from Hyde park and is very comfortable and clean. We walked through the park and saw lots of birds and a squirrel which you would have liked Ruby and Izzy- it was soo cute. Marie took us back to her flat for dinner and we met up with Damien. Lovely night but we were both pretty wacked and were happy to head back home early for bed. This morning is mild and overcast and we are just deciding what we are going to do. We plan to head out shortly.
Stu, managed to get a map up and now know exactly where I am – Mum.
- comments
Jane & Paul Hi, good way to keep in touch. I have started a blog too - name janeandpaul. I have made one entry but it is too soon to add anything more. Paul wants to know what the temperature is. Pouring here at the moment. xxx
Stu Paul should look on the internet for weather information. Jan and Kev generally increase the temperature of wherever they are by 5 deg. Mum, I'm glad you managed to get the GPS working. I, like nana, would have been worried that you would get lost. :-) Love Stu
Sheryl, Rick & Mum Oh well - glad that you have started off OK on youor journey - Jusdt watching thre times and watching the times, where you are and when you are departing - I thought that when you got to England that it was very quick - Oh well - have fun and don't lose touch with one another - hold hands and don't get lost - Love and thoughts Mum - HAVE A GREAT TIME - WILL PASS ON MUM'S NEXT UPDATE SOON. luv us 2
Mike Stu that was precious.......
Marie Remember the Indian ring-necks in Hyde Park? Wild parrots in central London! And the gorgeous baby blue t*** - Kev, of course, pretended not to be interested, but we all know he's a big softy. And then he came out with a fascinating fact about the grass being a type that birds can eat, which is why they leave it to grow longer. Enjoyed having you guys over for dinner : )