Our latest entry
Wan Chai, Hong Kong
Friday 23 September 2011
Our flight was OK although I had difficulty getting comfortable and therefore didn't sleep too well. I took a half a sleeping pill but this didn't seem to help. Kev had no trouble however and slept the entire journey! We lost about 6 hours in time and most of Thursday on the trip so were hoping to sleep well…
Jill Julius Safe journey Jan and Kev Looking forward to catching up soon and sharing your adventures. Love Jill & Ron
re: Counting down - arrive at niceStu Can't wait to see you guys.
re: Counting down - arrive at niceStu This blog system is just too PC. it *****'ed out the word bugg3r. We can say b***** in NZ can't we. Gggrrrr, B*gger, it did it again!
re: San RemoStu Wow, San Remo looks awesome. I'd love to go there one day and lie of the beach in the sun with a cold beer. Sorry we missed your calls over the weekend. We were very busy and hardly at home. I was busy winning the world famous Tour de Taieri (CNN) and then we went to the England V Georgia world cup game last night. The World cup games at the new stadium have been awesome. The atmosphere electric, very unlike All Black games that I've been to in the past, but maybe thats the indoor part that's playing a part. b***** about your car. They could've let you off... b*****s. Anyway, must go, talk soon. Love Stu P.S. Aussie lost to Ireland. Wooo hooo.
re: San RemoStu Happy Father's Day Dad! We miss you guys. Love Stu, Chris, Niamh & Miller xxoo
re: Levanto to Siena, ItalyMike Hi guys. Just back from a 3 1/2hr ride and thought i'd catch up on your travells. I have to say it was the best so far! Without looking at the photos i could see the beaches, tunnels, bars, markets (but unfortunately not the young girls bearing all...) Kev i know why there are so many churches - for the dirty old men to go to confession! It sounds magic where you are and i would love to be there! You are right about life not changing too much here SSDD! Janny, pleased to hear you are back in good health, Kev, I paid your GST and Ron sorted your ACC (I also paid Ians parking ticket so you wouldn't end up in court Janny!). Kev have a great day tomorrow for Fathers Day, no pressy this year - nothing would compare to your trip (and we can't send it anyway) But we will be thinking of you and miss you heaps!! Don't fall over reading what is by far my longest note - i've been saving it up! Love you guys xx Mike
re: Levanto, ItalySarah Burton Yum! Crossaints! I would be fat if I lived there, or anywhere near a bakery!
re: photo from 24 July 2011