Hi g-parents how are u doing? the pictures are awsome grandma you looked perfect!(grandad did to of course) i loved Marie's dress it was absolutely stunnin! mum said that it is the most beautiful dress she's ever seen apart from hers of course!:) the miller girls sure know how to make wedding dresses! Isabel and I went for our fist ride with dad today (we have been with lucy a couple of times before)with cleats and i didn't fall off yay!!!
Looking forward to seeing you soon
lots of love Ruby xoxoxoxox
Dizzy Izzy
hey that is the most beautiful wedding dress! it is absolutely stunning!how many days is it (and yes finally i mean days) until you come home?i miss you guys heaps! heaps and heaps of love hugs and kisses isy xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxooxoxoxooxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox
Lucy Crooks (#1)
Hi G and G (my favourite people around) how are we doing?? well actually dont answer that because i have just learnt from your blogs. have had a busy week as i had my dancing exam on wednesday and then went to blenheim on friday. I pulled a muscle in my back a week or so ago and had to endure some serious pain for my exam on wednesday which really really sucks. i have been going to physio but thats about all i can do. then friday we travelled up to blenheim for the tour de malborough. I raced the itt on saturday and then the crit heat which my back started spasming and i didnt end up doing so well. Really painful day for me and so Kevin and Paul (coaches) ended up scratching me from the races on sunday which i was really gutted about. so guess all i can do now is let it get better and hope i get into nationals team to race in palmy. . . (fingers crossed). we have exams starting at the end of this week and next week for prelims and now they have decided for chch to take the better of our prelims or real exam marks to take a bit of pressure off due to lack of teaching time (earthquakes snow and etc) anyways. I hope you guys are having a lovely time away, which i can tell you are, and look forward to you coming back.
Lots of love
Lucy xoxoxoxox
Hi guys. Just back from a 3 1/2hr ride and thought i'd catch up on your travells. I have to say it was the best so far! Without looking at the photos i could see the beaches, tunnels, bars, markets (but unfortunately not the young girls bearing all...) Kev i know why there are so many churches - for the dirty old men to go to confession! It sounds magic where you are and i would love to be there! You are right about life not changing too much here SSDD! Janny, pleased to hear you are back in good health, Kev, I paid your GST and Ron sorted your ACC (I also paid Ians parking ticket so you wouldn't end up in court Janny!). Kev have a great day tomorrow for Fathers Day, no pressy this year - nothing would compare to your trip (and we can't send it anyway) But we will be thinking of you and miss you heaps!! Don't fall over reading what is by far my longest note - i've been saving it up! Love you guys xx Mike
Dizzy Izzy
hey G-D hope you have a lovely fathers day today! make sure you have lots of fun! cant wait for you to come home in 20 something days ! lots of love isy xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox
Hi Grandma and Grandad
How are you? you sound like you are having fun!! the focassia sounds lovely it's one of my favourite breads! :) i can't wait for u to come back:) we have our dancing exams on wednesday i'm really nervous but i think that i will do well . Italy the markets and the tunnels sound awesome! we havn't been doing much at school just been getting ready for writing our speeches which i'm doing mine on dreams, but i have a bit of competition in my class because 2 other girls are doing that topic aswell. I have a cold at the moment which is very annoying so i am trying to get rid of it before exams as i keep sneezing and blowing my nose .Also have a great fathers day tomorrow Grandadxoxo
looking forward to seeing you soon
Lots of love, hugs and kisses Ruby xoxxo
Dizzy Izzy=)=)=)=)
hey Grandma i herd you were sick=(i cant wait for you two to come home im missing you soooooooooooooooooooooo much! hope to hear from you soon! lot and lllllllooooooooooooooottttttttssssssssssssss of love isy xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo p.s our dancing exam is next wednesday! p.p.s hope you get better soon! P.P.P.S
Jane Fletcher
Hi there,
We almost back to normal routine etc. We BOTH played golf yesterday. I did quite well even though I put the first 2 balls in the river. How embarrassing. I ended up with 41 points and won a ball for the least putts!! All good here. Weather has been fabulous since we got home and all the trees are in blossom etc. Keep well.
Scooby Doo (Ruby)
Hi Grandma and Grandad!!! We have just been looking at your photos as a family they are so cool! Wish i could be there to with the beautiful blue water and the warm sun maybe in a few more years!!! :) Hope you are having a brilliant time. The weather here has been freezing with two lots of snow which we made a bottom of a snow man in and had a massive snow ball fight with Lucy, Dad, Isy, Poppy and me. mum and dad also said to say hi :) Lots of love Ruby xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox :)
Dizzy Izzy
Hey guys we have just been looking at your blog and photos! it is so beautiful! we are all so jelous of the beautiful water and sun! it has been getting warmer and lighter it was 17 degrees today! it was so nice!
i cant wait for you to come home and tell us all about your wonderful time! heaps and heaps of love,hugs and kisses isy xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Home again. Arrived in Auckland at about 1.15, breezed through customs then had to wait for our shuttle while it waited for some passengers on a domestic flight. I was not happy. Anyway, home by 4 pm, had a decent cup of tea, pulled all the curtains shut, cranked up the heater and poured a red wine. Paul has just gone down to the shop to buy milk, bread, cheese etc. so that we can have a toasted sandwich for dinner. I will do a big shop tomorrow. In the meantime, I intend to do nothing more today other than sit and wait for bed time!!! House, garden, business, family etc. all good.
Don And Deb
Hi guys......I don't know if my other comment got through or not so I'll hedge my bet a little...life is good over here very very busy with Leannes wedding in less than two weeks now.....much much more to talk about when you guys get home OK....looks as though you're having the time of your lives over there....found one pictiure of the four of you at a cafe somewhere with some rather large beer glasses on it hmmmm....we love you both
....be safe