Hi guys Just caught up with the latest b;og and photos. Figi looks amazing as does everywhere you have been. Will e mail you soon. Take care xxxxM
Mel And Gary
Hi Jamie & Marc, just caught up with all your news, you both look well, will attempt to email this week, always in our thoughts, miss you both.
Love Gary & Mel xx
I ve just got in from WORK, got your email and Im just sooooooooo excited to hear from you, so brilliant. Sounds FANTASTIC..............A!!!!!!!!. Yeah, this football is so AMAZING, compared to what we have to watch all season, unfortunately, I missed this match, but, EURO is the BIZ, like, i ve been LOVIN it, you would nt have a clue who will WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!. and, guess what WIMBLEDON starts on Monday, how will I ever get any work done? Im stocking up the CHAMPAGNE for the HOME-COMING. You 2 keep having a BALL, love&miss you loads, Blah, Blah,Blah, XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Hey guys, we've just been catching up on your news and photos - fab! Brought tears to my eyes, missing you lots and lots. Hope you're having fun in SA - can't wait to see your next blog update! Having a chilled weekend, been furniture window shopping - lots of fun :D. Away on a training course mon, tues, wed next week, will email when back. Sending lots of love and hugs. Staci and Egg Sxxxxxxx
I want that house with the thatched roof,and bring that little boy home to, both are so cute. I want to know who contaminated the water? although the pics got better and better. What a beautiful place, aw!!!!!!!. Marc, I hope you taught him some "guid" Scottish sayingsXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Big Eck
hi jamie & marc
thats me in the doghoose for grassing of nell haha sorry missrd yer call but was spraying golf balls all over the place on garys first mens medal. he did okay but far to windy for me. badly need a lesson. love to you both take care xxxx
Mam & Pops
Great catch up....marc have to say your keyboard skills have improved immensely. Fiji pics at last, fantastic......looks so serene. Take care of each other. lots & lotsa luv xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
The Craw Family
hi jamie & marc
have just watched the skydives on you tube. must have been a fantastic feeling. got garys guitar yesterday for his birthday on thursday so will have to look out a set of earplugs. he is looking forward to playing the mens medal on thursday as he is fourteen. better take plenty balls. we are all doing fine. Of to portugal week on sunday for 10 days. tracy and laureen go this sunday for a week. scratched ecks new car on garage door after a week. Oops! women drivers haha. love to you both. take care xxxx
Congratulations to ALL of my family who took part in the "Race for Life"
It was for such a good cause... Cant wait to see the pics, Auntie Mar in Trainers, woo hoo! Well done everyone, hope your not too sore today.
Love Jxxx
Was BRILLIANT to actually SEE you both last night, 3 cheers for the video cam, both looking so good,and, Marc thanks for the little show you put on......FUNNY, FUNNY, FUNNY!!!!!! Picked up that MONEY is nt stretching to far now,well you ve done all the MAD and EXCITING things, so surely now, you just need to eat and keep on travelling, I know that with your appetites that will still be expensive, but BEST OF LUCK, and stay at all times, Miss you,XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Brilliant work guys, thankyou very much. Mobbed out here, no time, just now,hopefully lots more on Monday, so could speak or email then. Trip sounds Amazing......ANDES, I would love that, till tom, lots of love,XXXXXXXXX
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