Have a fantastic time! Can't wait to hear all your adventures!
Paddy Hardcore
Hey, Paddy Hardcore here, just up at Ron the Scones the noo, just heard yir leaving to tour Europe, thats far out man, Dj Paddy in the house, love ya bathe x x
Jamie, love the blog. Had a great time on Friday night at the Westie! Anyway I hope that you are remembering that I am 'babysitting' your bottle of bubbly! Maybe we can meet and I can hand it over to you...x
Kate & Gavin
Hi guys, Not long now! Have an awesome time, know you will! We are semi-settled in London, still getting a feel for it and looking for somewhere permanant to live, but loving it. Have fun, love Kate & Gav (Aussies that stayed at Marc's mums place last month)