I know we have been absolutely useless in keeping in contact. Have been living on a boat and not spending much time by a computer at all. We have been great though....went sky diving a few weeks ago and absolutely loved it. will do it again and again and again! We are heading off to NZ very very soon, cannot wait.
So where are you guys, you back in the UK yet?
Hope you are well and miss you guys loads xoxoxoxo
I was trying to find out the distance from San Luis to Santa Maria and came across your blog. Thank you so much for posting your trip to Peru!! I am even more excited for my trip in November now!
Cheers, Tracy
Hey Guys,
Just a very quick message before I finish for the day - good job we gave tonight a miss as it's 18.37 and that's me just away to leave the office- boo!
By time I get my car and head home will probably be whacked myself! Will def make sure am finished for 5.30pm Wed though! Can't wait to see you and catch up - hope first day back at work goes ok (as ok as it can be after a year off Marc - looking forwad to hearing all your news too - will speak to James on Wed and get a few drinks in the house arranged for the 4 of us.
Sending lots of love. Sxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Jamie & Marc
Well we Surprised EVERYONE by coming home a week early... The look on all our family's faces was classic. Agnes (Marc's Mum) was so stunned she couldn't move, Jack (Marc's Dad) just kept saying "my boy, my boy" and Moyra and Jimmy (My Mam and Pop's) are still as high as a kite and can't stop hugging and kissing me, its fantastic. Hope you had a Happy Birthday Mam xxx
We have had the BEST year of our lives, met some amazing people, shared lots of wonderful experiences and have the most incerdible memories, which we will tresure FOREVER.
A BIG THANKYOU to everyone we have met along the way...including long lost Relatives, KC & Neil, Kate & Steve, Donna and Neil, Caz & Des, Tara & Tatsuki The Mo Trio, Everyone from Melbourne, all our friends for making a huge effort to come and visit us, people who gave us sofa's to lie on and often fed us...some of you we hardly knew until we arrived in Australia...Eternally greatful. Also a Thankyou to everyone we made friends with along the way.
You all know who you are and how IMPORTANT you are in our lives. You helped support us through our journey as well as being part of all the fun times we had...We have made friends for life and you are all welcome in Soctland any time. Also to all of our family and friends at home who have followed our journey every step of the way, we are two very very lucky people. Until next time.....
Jamie and Marc xxx
PS..we know the blog is still not quite finished so watch this space!
Big Gents
Hey Jamie, hows things in Forfar without me.
Rooster is making t then going to give me a lift through.
Miss ya already much love x x x x
WELCOME HOME Jamie and Marc.... Im so so so so so EXCITED! We have Loved the blog and can't believe its all over, but Im so happy to have you home and can't wait to see you Jamie.
Im not sure when reality will hit but I hope its not too sore... Looking forward to all the stories and hearing about your future plans. Take care guys, lots and lots of love, S xxxx
Maureen Ewen
What a nice surprise to hear you are both back home, safely. I'm sure your family are so glad to see you both. Hope to see you sometime soon Jamie, but also feel like I know Marc through the amazing photo's and updates you guys have done over the year!
Welcome home, Mxxx
Just leave it up to Marc and Jamie to pull the STUNTS!!! Who would expect on a quiet Sunday morning over a cup of coffee that the most unexpected two faces would appear around the door with a "HI WE'RE HOOOMMMEEE"!!
Well, as you can imagine, it was one of those stunned silences?, IS this really happening???????????? THEN... "oH MY GOD","OH MY GOD","OH MY GOD"moments, loads of .
There request, a bacon roll, something they never managed to have all the time they were gone, some celebration after being away for 1year.
So the CHAMPAGNE is still on ICE for another day. Im sure they must have thought that "I'd LOST IT" as I couldn't speak and just kept STARING VACANTLY at them. Anyway, on Monday it all sank in and I realised it HAD all happened. HIP HIP HOORAY..........SO, WHO KNOWS WHEN i'll SEE YOU AGAIN, BUT, IT WON T BE AS LONG AS A YEAR. Its great to know that your around again, and THANKS A MILLION, because I'VE TOTALLY LOVED MY JOURNEY through you both. Two very special people, lots of love and, WELCOME BACK TO HOME TO BRECHIN XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
TEE HEE!! SO EXCITED cause your on your way home, WHEY HEY. A word of warning... start getting prepared, the weather here is atrocious, sheets of rain on a daily basis, and dark by 9,00pm, YUCK!!!!!!!! NEVER REALLY SEEN A SUMMER, SO BAD. So jealous of you surrounded by that beautiful sunshine and mountains in Rio, lucky people.
Get your throat lozenges at the ready, theres gonna be some talking going on in the month of September, you'll want to know all thats happened here, and we 'll want to hear about all your adventures, great stuff.
N0 BABY for Susie yet? will let you know as soon as. Well its all coming to an end, so lap it up.More great photos by the way. Its gonna be FABULOUS having you HOME, HOME, HOME, missed you both SO MUCH, not long now though,
Enjoy whats left, BIG HUGS
Hola amigos - how's the espanol coming along? Not long now till your world disco comes to a close. Looking forward to hearing all about your latest adventures when you get back - not long now :D. I think I can speak for everyone when I say - CAN'T WAIT TO SEE YOU!!!!! Please bring some sun back with you though - the weather has been shocking here - parts of Dundee flooded last night from all the rain!!! Stay safe and enjoy the rest of your trip. Counting the sleeps till your home.
Lots and lots of love. love you heaps S & G xxxxx
Hey Jamie and Marc,
So jealous that you are still in south america! are you still having an amazing time, hope so? I am back home and have to say it's rubbish!! at first it was just so weird and felt so emotional - and now just so bored of job-hunting! it is nice to see everyone though. but already thinking about when I can go away again!
keep having fun, love your blog by the way! and great pics from our trip. safe travels and enjoy the rest of your trip, Liz xx
Hi J and Marc got u r text message, how r things?
can't wait till u get home really can't, so much to show and tell you.
well I had gran to the dentist today, what a nightmare but such a shame on her poor thing.
U will be looking forward to coming home I bet, Massie can't wait to see her auntie Jamie ha ha .
Anway better go be good and i will see u soon please try and phone from Rio...If not phone when u r on the way home .
love ya loads be good, Emo xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx