Jamie and Marc, how are you guys?? We are good, missing you both and cant wait to get you home. I know you loved Australia but please come home before you decide what to do....Always a holiday in OZ foe us eh?? :) Love you but want you home, take care and send me an email about when you come home etc, love you both sending all our love S xxxxxxxx
PS how is Rio, must be some babes?? Male and Female? he he he
Hey you guys, well here i am, I ve done this once before and it s took me about a year to find out how to do it again Hee Hee.
So lookin forward to seeing you , what a year you ve had and so many memories, lets hope those brain cells hold out. See you soon, lots of love
Love ya xxxxxxxx
hey folks
just been catching up with your travels, and looks like your having an amazing time!! Not so great about the food poisoning!! W're just back from a 4 week holiday around india and spent soem time in dubai. Was great to be of work and it felt like a proper holiday!! Cant belive its not to long untill your back in suny dundee, ha ha!! big hugs x x
Hi Guys,
Cant wiat to see you in London! Although Im sure that you will drive me crazy when you are here... Jamie you are getting NO vodka and Marc make sure you bring the Guitar!!! Enjoy your time in Rio, see you in a week or so, love Bri xxx
Granny says...never eat yellow Snow...NEVER EVER!! Take Care Guys, xxx
Now remember as Granny always says.......Dont lick soup off your hand if you have resently spayed them will deet!!
WOW,WOW,WOW!!!!!!!!!!!! "BLOODY MARVELLOUS". HOW AMAZING WAS THAT?????????, It looked like hard-work guys, but, must have been so worth it, just in awe of all the architecture,,,,,,,,,its totally FANTASTIC. I expect that you will sleep soundly for a few days, regain some energy. SMILE FOR BRECHIN .
Hey Jamie...Ah I'm sorry hon that ive not been in touch babe....been busy as hell. Me and Micky are now living in Cairns and I work on the dive boats so I am out at sea for seven days and back for only two days so haven't been on the internet for a while!!
It's Micky's birthday today....going out for a few drinks then have some other plans up my sleeve. You guys sound like you are having a brilliant time...if it sucks being back home just come back out travelling...don't think I will ever go back home.
Take care miss and love you guys xoxoxox
Mo Trio
Gorgeous duo! How are you both? Just had a quick catch up on your blog - totally didn't know you guys had been soo ill, hope you're all better now!!
Came on to Skype this morning but you guys mustn't have got Loll's message in time - good news is we've worked out how to have a 5way!! Get in!!
Take care and we'll hopefully talk soon.
Muchos love and besos. Xxx
Ma & Pa Craig
Hi Guys..hope you made it ok for your trip today. How bizzare was that last night a three way chat..so funny...especially when that cheeky chappie Marc joined in.
Thank the lord for bank holidays, sent your dad to work went to the gym and spent the rest of the day in the garden..in between showers !! Hey Ho
Speak soon...lots & lots of love
Hey its the Scottish Tattie!!
Glad you guys are having a good time... the UK sucks ... as normall. I now have this thing called a "Job" which envolves getting up early and not going home tilll late in the day. Im working back in Sales which is OK. My tennants moved out of my place 2 weeks ago so i have been busy decorating my place. Joy of joys! So reality has been a bump... plus I now think there are no good looking women in england after i have been so spoilt in SA!! You guys going to Columbia?... still have not added you on face book as the only internet I have is at work and face book is barred!! Keep up the good work... sorry traveling.
Oh hows the spanish coming along?
Ross x
Hey Jamie and Marc,
Where are you guys just now? Its not long til you are home...Cant wait to see you! Missing you lots, take care