hi mark hi jamie we went on utube and saw you'r skydive video it was amazing can't belivwe you actulay done that i would love to do that when i am older but really use r MAD !!!!!!! xxxxx
Tried!!!!!!!!!no luck,but, will get Susie to try for me ,as Im of to work at 12. she ll manage. HOLY ROLLER, Those GLAZIERS are AWESOME, I would have loved that so so so so so much,just thought get me there, TOTALLY AMAZING, best PICTURES ever. SPECTACULAR.Cuddles xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Ma Craig
I'm with Agnes on this one, your mad, looks amazing though....not sure I'll let your dad watch this one Jamie!!!
luv you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
The great Scottish saying "AWF YER HEIDS" seems to be SCREAMING through my mind right now, will you stop it, PLEASE.......... My feet are firmly on the ground, but, you two have taken me to hell and back, between sea-diving(ok was amazing),jumping out of planes at 15,000 ft(yeah,,,,that was amazing toooooooo) now this crazzzzzzzzzy,maaaaaaaad bungee jump,(ok, amazing toooooooo) BUT HEY, not good for the old ticker here back home!!!!!!!!!!! NO MORE MADNESS PLEASE, GO, WALK A BEACH SOMEWHERE AND let me CALM DOWN. My heartbeat is just getting back to normal,yours must still be SKY-HIGH. Keep on dancing,love&miss you both,lots of love&BIG HUGSXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Gran H & Auntie Mar
BHi Jamie & Marc, we're at Jamie's mum's today checking out your BLOG its amazing. Got your postcard, didn't recognise you (hee hee). Lots of love to you both, take care xxxxxxxxx
Hey gorgeous guys!! How are you both? Sounds like you're loving New Zealand so far, the sky dive pictures are awesome! All is good back in Melbourne - a couple of Friday night drinks lastnight turned into a full on goon session...feeling a little delicate today!
Missing you both lots but still holding out for a team Angus reunion in S.America!
Take care and lots of love. Xxx
Just been having a blog update- fab! Check your yahoo James. Love ya both. missing you heaps. Mwah! Sxxx
luving the fizzers.how was it AMAZING?
miss yas but with a little bit of luck we can make it tru the night...
marc say another word and i sware this s*** is over.xxxxx
Scott Mcmillan
Hey you two, long time no speak, still missing you like mad and can't wait till you come home. So glad you are having an amazing time, wish i had done that when i was younger. Speak to Jazmin and Kenzi about you both all the time so that they will remember you when you come home, you will not believe the difference in them! Jazmin will be 4 in August going on 14 as you can imagine, Kenzi will be 2 in July and just getting wilder by the minute, must almost be a year since you guys spent the night here, does not sem like that. Guess what guys only 10 weeks till i am back on the road, whe hey. Promise not to leave it so long next time. Love Lisa, Scott, Jazmin & Kenzi xxxx
Total Beauts! x
HELLLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! Just got an email asking me to say hello to you from...............Pat Thomas Seamus AGNES Brian Vincent Sean Brendan Kevin Jacqueline Des and Jo,wives, husbands and children toooooooooo,PHEW!!!!! hee hee!!! Best Blog Ever, Stay warm and hang on to each other,and why dont you relax for a few days, Keep on dancing, love and miss u both XXXXXXXXXxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxXXXX
How MAD r u two, I was TERRIFIED and Im sitting at my computer!!!!!!!!!! Im feeling so much better now that there were 2 safe landings, PHEW!!! Totally AMAZING stuff,the mountains and sea were SPECTACULAR....AND....the change on both your faces from beginning to end was worth viewing it EIGHT yes 8 TIMES. superb, a lot of hilarity going on here, jealousy, relief and great excitement. As you can tell, Im LOVING my icons!!! KEEP COSY, 2nd day of sunshine here, at long last, BIG HUGSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx