HI-DE-HI, So good to hear that you are both fit & well again, but... have a feeling that it just might be hanging around..... SO....... DO BE CAREFUL. Such great photography, really enjoying all the new places, and, all the news to. Those sunsets are something else, and all those strange BEASTS, ok, from a distance! well... Jamie obviously dosn`t think so, talk about up close and personal! Me, Im saying oh, oh, rather than aw!!! Try keeping your distance, it might be CROC TEA-TIME!!!! ha ha ha THOSE teeth, OH MY GOD!!! Take care of each other, can t wait to see you, love & miss you both heaps, Soon you will be home, HIP HIP HOORAY XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Hi Jamie & Marc, I'm at auntie mo's right now waiting for emo to pick me up. About to have a look at your jungle pics to see all the animals. I went to see mama mia two days ago it was good. Only 19 days left of school holidays (boo hoo) and only 14 days til my birthday.
Luv & miss you Cara xxx
Paddy Hardcore
what up homey?
Big paddy fling the flag for GB just now. Hows the travelling going, heard you's are in Kenya the now, deer hunting sounds awesome. bring me back an antler. oh yeah.
Anyway got that book you recommended to Ron, got it from amazon. pretty good deal like. Up to about page 100 the now things are starting to get interesting. Thomas and Ricardo have become good friends and he's taken thomas under his wing. he still has no money but he just missed a near escape with a group of locals after a meeting with a rep from the british embassy. they never got the 60 Bolivianos that he hid in his sock. It seems only the rich politicians and dealers have the studio apartments but i hope he gets a room next to Ricardo in Pinos block. will keep reading. me and siobhan are loving it here, just chilling out drinking some beer and dining out each night. siobhan is black already and im still white so there's a bit of competition going on. away to get wired the night, woo hoo! Anyway Gringo's i must dash. see ya's soon . Get me to San Pedro....
Marc & Jamie, some of these photographs are simply AMAZING, Im lovin it BRILLIANT, but, I still want you to come home, HOW SELFISH!!!!!!!!!!!! It seems like you have been away FOREVER.
I TOTALLY love all the silouette images...........and...........all that jumping.............SUPERB, the little children, I felt a little SAD, not sure WHY??????? then all the BEAUTIFUL mountains, sunsets and.........of-course THE SALTS, just PURE HAPPINESS, AW!AW!AW!!!!!!!!!!!!! I ended up LATE for work today, as I was so engrossed in all of it. Going on it tomorrow again......Just can t wait.
So worried about your illness, please take "GREAT CARE", LOVE&MISS YOU LOADS,Tooooooooooooooo many EMOTIONSXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Alex & Rijkje
Hello wordtravellers,
Thank you so much for the nice reviews you left for us and our B&B. We´d like to leave a review for you as well: Thank you for visiting us, it was really fun having you as our guests.
Alex is still ´struggling´with his guitar. I really want to believe he is playing ´Angie´, but I need a great, great imagination,
We hope that you are both well now..!!
It´s really nice to read your weblog, and follow your adventure..
Hellooooooooo, NOT good news that both of you are4 down with food poisioning, bet that put an abrupt STOP to all the fun andADVENTURE!!!!!!! Whatrotten luck, I hope that you both recover very quickly, and you must stay a little longer, and don t travel tooooooo soon, at least untill you are feeling much healthier, which could take some time, "Mothers Wisdom"XX. .Take great care, MISS YOU LOADS,xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Arite half load, just figured out how to use this!!! Not long til your home mate, cant wait to get back on the creamy berry crunch!! Edzell has become a lost world without big gents noising it up
Looking forward to your return counting down the days. got the guitar ready just need a couple of finishing touches and the band will be up and running , ha ha haha
Hope you and Jamie are still going strong.
Hey Jamie and Marc, great to see all your new pics they are pretty spectacular. Not long til your home now, I cant wait, bet the folks are on a countdown?? Ha Ha, take care of each other and enjoy the rest of South America xxxx
hey guys,
we have met in salta by rijkje and alex finally my computer is working again so I am able to watch the photos I made in Argntina. I have also some photos of you. I will send them if you send me your email adress. I can't find a way to send the photos on your site hope you enjoy your trip groetjes,
Hello Jamie and Marc, I've been trying to text you but it keeps bouncing back so I thought this might just be the best way to get in touch. I'm really enjoying reading your blog and think it deserves top marks for your food descriptions! (That was so funny that you got the time wrong!) I'm in Newquay right now for a few days surfing a my summer holidays have officially begun. If you guys want to relive a bit of Oz when you get home then this is the place. It's very like Manly in Sydney, the beaches are amazing and there is a current of warm air which comes from the sea meaning it's usually warm enough to get in the water. There's guitars and vw camper vans everywhere you look. Going down to Manchester with Shona and Stac on Sunday which should be great for catching up as I haven't seen much of Stac since she moved out. I'm also heading for Barcelona at the end of the month so if you can give me any good tips of where to go Jamie, that'd be cool. Well keep living the dream, Take care, Lots of love Zoe xxxxx
Alright kids, just been for a haircut - Andrew sends his regards. xxx
AWESOME pictures guys, totally AMAZING FALLS. ALSO, was great to hear your voices again. Everything just seems to be so good. Been busy with WORK, here and there, been trying to blog you for a few days now, so her I am now, WISHING, I was there with you, lovin all the new photos and the catch-up,cant believe its July today, crazzzzzzzzzzzy!!!!!!!!Keep on dancing, miss you HEAPS.