I have to stop reading your blog at work - I'm taking notes from Chi and Claire and welling up at my desk. So relieved that you got out of Fiji, and when you said you only had one flight left in your book...well there I go again!
Enjoy the farm, and I will see you in 22 days!!
Love you x
James And Rois
We just had to write something in response to the massive news below! I've been saying ever since the news broke that there must be some kind of mistake, a Mole girl indeed. No chance (sorry Grace). Congratulations again anyway!!
Great news that you'll be at the party (birth permitting), I'd assumed that you wouldn't be able to make it so I'm well chuffed! Still, it's a bit disappointing as we were going to get new Mole baby a mini sized all blacks rugby kit but didn't as you were having a girl! Never mind, I'll lobby for a quick trip back to New Zealand to pick one up. Glad to hear he's healthy, hopefully he won't be towering over Jake too soon. Take care, and look after yourselves until Master Mole arrives.
Hello to everyone else, thanks for the messages. We're off on a Greyhound bus to our farm tonight, a bit excited and a bit nervous, sure it'll be fine though. We've had a great time here, Arthur's been great as has his flatmate.
Take care one and all, see some of you in New York and the rest in March!
James and Rois x
Simon, Lucy & Jacob
Hope things are well and you're having fun in America. Enjoy life on the farm!
We have some news.......our little girl is in fact a boy! Yes, another Mole boy!! A bit of a shock but all's well. We blame the imbecile scan lady with all her definitelys for getting the Mole clans hopes up but were not disappointed. A baby brother for Jakey will be lovely (and more cost effective!). We have also been told that he's a fairly big baby, not like our little squirt, it's making Lu's eyes water at the thought, but hopefully they've got that wrong too! All being well we 3 (or 4) should be up for your party unless of course he decides to make an early entrance and arrive on the day.
Enjoy the rest of your travels and see you soon.
Love Si, Lu and Jakey xxx
Siobhan And Andrew
Hi there you celebrity stalkers!
I have no idea who you met but I am happy that you got to see your dream guy! I will keep an eye out for him and 24 but not sure where!
Its cold and bleak in Letterkenny and we have just had a couple of days of bad snow. I was sitting at home on Monday afternoon(on my lap top working of course!) and saw that it was snowing. I thought now wont Andrew love that. About an hour later I went to get into the car and go anc collect him and my neighbours dashed out of their house telling me not to even think about driving as they had to abandon their car and the roads were blocked with cars and snow!
So I marched off in the snow to see if I could collect ANdrew on foot, about 3 miles. I managed it and he loved the adventure. All along the way there were cars and buses abandoned. It took people up to 4 hours to travel 2-3 miles! anyway Andrew got 2 days off school and was delighted with himself.. In fact he was really annoyed when he looked out the window at 6am this morning and it was all gone!
This probably sounds like a really trivial weather experience after your Fiji one but its all the excitement there is here at the moment!
I like the sound of the farm work. I did it in France years ago and loved it. It was quite physically demanding but something totally different. I have just remembered a day when we had to clean s*** out of animal houses which wasnt so nice but hey!!!!
Football season going well for United and ANdrew, pity about Watford!
Enjoy your travels across Obama land. Make sure he does something for the world economy before you leave him!!!!!
Take Care
BOn and Andy xxxxx
Rois And James
Hey guys, apologies for the lack of photos - we've been trying for the past few days, and there must be a problem on the website as they're not coming up right. Grr! Will keep trying... xxxx
Niamh (Again!)
Apologies to Jim for my stereotyping of farmers! x
Fantastic news!! I hope you both have your dungarees and hay to chew at the ready!! Glad to be of assistance - and I hope it isn't awful! Cormac's uncle lives in San Fran so he said to email him the dates you would be there and he'll give you some recommendations etc - I'll copy you in when I email him.
Watched eps 3 and 4 of day 7 last night - your pal Jack was on good form!
Enjoy inauguration day - will be a great experience to be part of.
Lots of love,
Niamh x
Rois And James
Hi everyone! We are currently in san diego, staying with our friend Arthur. We plan to head to San Fran on Wednesday, and we are going to work on a farm on Thursday for 2 weeks, Yep, tis true! Thanks to an email link from Niamh, we found a great website called help exchange, so we've been in touch with a few people across the US to see if they need us. So yes, another adventure on its way! We can't get our photos up onto the website at the moment, so we'll have to try on another computer. And the blog .. well it's such a whooper, it's going to take me a while!! It's MLK public holiday today. Love to you all xxxx
Hello James and Roisin,
Saturday awful you have probably had the lowdown from your Dad. I took a mate and his 8 year old son(first ever football match) on Saturday he will be having nightmares for weeks poor lad!!!!!
Next up Crystal Palace home Saturday Round Four of the FA Cup or if you are Felipe Scholari the FA Coop!!!!
Take Care, Lee
Hi Roisin and James.
Hope youre both more than well.
A thought on your wanting to stay somewhere for free question...
How do you feel about coach surfing? I think I'm going to get involved pretty soon. It might well be the future. Begin my travels in 17 days........Time to try the tortillas elsewhere.
Cuidate mucho xxxxxxxxx
Pa Mole
Big welcome on board to Keifer from The Moles..............
Keifer 'keith' Sutherland
Hi Guys!
Great meeting you the other night - just wanted to say hi - and that meeting you has been a real highlight for me! Lovin' the blog!