Hav'nt been here in ages, feels very strange ,like walking through an empty house after a noisy party.
Have just discovered to my delight that somehow I hadnt read all of the Moles adventures in NY blog.Have put that right.......very entertaining it was too ! Well done B B and G
Apparently there is still a blog to write ? Come on Niamh and Ed we are all waiting.It must be something really special to be working on it all this time ( no pressure )
Just thinking, this time last year Roisin and James were far away in Vietnam,and whilst the texts,messages and phone calls were coming ,I was missing them so so much and longed for March 2009 and their safe return. Thank God they are back home and I am happy again.
Thanks to everyone who contributed to this message board over the last year,it certainly helped myself and Oonagh through a "long" year.
Welcome home Roisin and James Love you both
Pa Mole
Don't know what made me read the message board.........sadness at Watford having lost in the 93rd minute tonight.......hankering for a trip to NYC.......anyway, strange to see new messages! Will this site never close?!
Glad people had a good time, we certainly did, it was a pleasure to see everyone - but not necessarily to hear some (on the SingStar!!) - look forward to the next.
Best wishes to all from The Moles......
Yay! Claire Mc - you broke the spell: a post-travel message, thank God for that!
Happy St Patrick's Day!! I'm going to get this website all updated this week. The time has come.
Brilliant weekend at Chez Mole - thank you so much to all there, and the Moles for hosting it all. Good times xxxxx
Thank you Mole's for a great night in your beautiful home. Sorry I didn't get to say goodbye to you Bernie, I think you were doing a station run. I hope Millie has recovered from the invasion. Thank you for your room again Grace. Some very happy memories of Singstar duets! Those sausage rolls were something else and as for the neverending supply of bacon sarnies yesterday morning - you spoilt us.
A great way to celebrate the travellers' return. See you soon xx
Roisin - In Nuneaton !
Good morning everyone! As most of you probably know by now, James and I are HOME! We flew in on Saturday morning and, with the help of our sisters, pulled off an almightly surprise for the parents! We were both greeted with the same stunned silence! "Why are YOU home??!"
Since the beginning, we planned to come home this weekend rather than the 12th so that James could celebrate his Dad's birthday and I could celebrate my Mum's. And we pulled it off! Sorry to have lied to all of you along the way!
There is still more to come on this website as we have to tell you all about Boston, New York and Washington DC, and show you all the photos. The Moles are hosting a welcome home party next weekend, so we might be able to get a few photos from that on here too. Maybe!
It's so nice to be home - I don't think you can beat a sleep in your own bed, and waking up to a house full of family. In fact I'm going to head back to them all now.
Love to you all as always xxxxx
I like Niamh's questions. Look forward to hearing the answers.....xxxx
Less than a week to go - can you believe it!! Glad to hear that the weather is a bit warmer now. Enjoy your last weekend in the States - safe journey to Philly!
As you are approaching the end of your trip - here are some questions for you to ponder:
1) What did you miss most, not including people?
2) What didn't you miss?
3) Which was the most alien culture you experienced and why?
4) Is it true that a smile is universal?
5) Which nationality are the friendliness/rudest/quirkiest?
6) How many flights have you taken this year? Best airport/Worst airport?
7) Your personal highlight? Lowlight?
8) What will you miss the most from travelling?
9) What was the biggest thing you learnt about yourself that you didn't know before?
Trying desperately to think of a tenth question, but can't!!
Love you x
Tara Daniel Nikita &lauren
Hiya Roisin happy belated birthday hope you had a nice day ....i read your blogs really intresting and exciting you both sound like your having a fantastic time cant belive your year is alomost up ....wow you met bono ur dad will be veryyyyyy pleased about that the new u2 album is fab..Nikita is excited knowing you were going to washington ...enjoy the rest of ur time away ...take care an god bless TARA DANIEL NIKITA & LAUREN xxxx
Bon And Andy
Hi Rois
A belated happy birthday! well done on seeing BOno and on getting into the irish papers.
SOrry for not being in touch for a while! No great or unique excuses!
Hope you had a good day and night. Looking forward to seeing you late in the month!
Bye for now
Granny Mc G
Hello Roisin
A very happy birthday. Hope you have a wondrful day! Enjoy the rest of your stay. Looking forward to seeing you soon.
Love and God Bless
What a birthday-happy,happy day but I'd say its your dad that thinks its his birthday!Well done CGPI for spotting it-must try & get a copy & thank you Niamh for getting the link.
Happy birthday to all others-of course Seamus,& Brian & you're all forgetting my mother in law!Don't you just love March!
You know the stakes aer high now for Washington-& don't think you're gettingaway with Sarah Palin-its the main man or we don't want to know..
I thought I had a bit of a coup by bumping into Brian O Driscoll jogging around St Stephens Green(him-not me!) on Sunday morning & getting a photo of him but after your news I don't think so.
Had a great weekend in Dublin.Maybe not a great match but brilliant atmosphere & great result.Gig in O2 was amazing too-no photos or autographs though-sorry.
Enjoy your last week & safe journey home.Will be looking out for you in Time magazine....
Much love & enjoy your day.
Chi & Tony.xxxxx
Happy Birthday Brian and Seamus! What a day for a birth hey?! You can just feel it in the air. Thanks so much for the messages everyone - I'm chuffed. I am of course celebrating on the 14th Chez Mole - see you there. We're off to track down Gordo, if he doesn't find us first! I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT BONO PHOTO - it's all true then I guess??! Thanks for finding that one CG and Niamh. Wow. Love you all very much. James has a whole day planned for us, so I promise I'll have a good birthday. Enjoy yours Brian and Seamus. All my love xxxxx