Great Blog, James! I am sure you will be sad to leave the farm - will be interested to see what skills you bring home. I will get Mal to tape Saturday's Watford game - but looks like Chelsea might not actually be managerless, looking at this morning's news "Hiddink" is lined up (Russian, I think).
Enjoy your couple of days in San Fran, hopefully we will chat to you there, and safe onward journey on Friday to New York. I am sure there is much excited packing going on in the Mole and MacLeod homes. Weather forecast for NY is showing signs of that awful white stuff we have all seen too much of in the UK. Really hope you don't get bad weather when you are all there.
See you in 4 weeks!
Hi all, just missed the blog post with this gem of a link,
This just goes to show how good Cynthia's farm is.....
ive just looked at the pictures! Oh my, oh my! and thats so funny, i recognised your arm straight away too.
much love, cant wait for your blog! xxxx
Cannot wait for the mastercard reunion (like the advert, but also sponsoring the trip!)
Had a bit of a manic day yesterday - Richard (of Malachy McGregor fame) was taken to hospital after collapsing and hitting his head, very concerned as he was disoreintated and confused. They did 2 CT scans and were worried about bleeding on the brain. Turns out, he had hiccups, held his breath for too long, fainted and knocked his head badly causing him to be concussed!! Only Richard! We spent yesterday feeling very anxious, but thankfully he is ok and has been released from hospital. We've decided to wait a week or so before we start taking the mick, as his mum and dad and Elle have had a tough 24 hours. What a guy!
For the Moles new found love of kareoke - this place comes highly recommended in
Ma Mole
Don't worry, James, I've got your name down for an allotment so you can grow 'beets' to your heart's content when you get back! Your father is laughing still at the notion of you getting down and dirty with green stuff growing and then there's the washing of the pots' pot - it was you, wasn't it? I thought I recognised the top you were wearing in the pic. YOu are definitely going back to the farming roots! It looks like a great way to spend time and for free. I'm really, really really looking forward to this time next week when I'll be attached to my little boy, limpet-like. And you look out too, Rois, because when Naimh and Ed have had theirs, I'll be looking for a year's worth of hugs! Grace has plans for James, involving headlocks and explanations as to why he felt he could disappear for a whole year. Yes, you're both for it! Can't wait!
Love, love, love Bernie/Mum xxx
Rois And James
Great to hear from you Shauna! We're back on 12th March - just one month left - can't believe it. I send all my love to you all. Me and Mum are planning a trip over in March, so I'll hopefully get seeing you all then.
Well, Moles, what can we say? Has Gerry got his ticket to New York?? We really feel we need to witness this Pink rendition before the big night! Regarding the Spice Girls colaboration, we'll just have to discuss this face to face ... next weekend!! Can't wait for the New York reunions - it's going to be huge.
For those of you interested in seeing us on the farm, check out We've got our own piccies too, so we'll get them on here.
Hope you've all had a good weekend, love to you all xxxxxx
Shauna Carlin
hello Roisin and James,
i was looking through your great album of photos you seem to be having a fantastic time, i wish it was me and simon there. when does your journey end?
i was down seeing gran on wednesday shes doing very well, always talking bout yous and as you know she always finishes it off saying god bless ye's.
well i hope yous enjoy the rest of your time there and look after yourselves
all the best Shauna, Simon, Davin and Caodhan
Pa Mole
Hi Both, its 1.10am, we've have done Copa Cabana at the kareoke at the Crown & Falcon in Puckeridge, now it's full steam ahead with the SingStar.............Gerry Steyaert just doing one by Pink....after we did the Spice Girls!!
Do you think there's a kareoke bar in the hotel?!!
Hello hello!
Have a great weekend - just think this time next week, we'll be nearly in New York - horray!!
N x
Hi all! I'm off to bed, so won't be long. Glad you enjoyed my arm on the blog Mum and Dad! It was only right that I planted potatoes, right? Heritage and all!
Drunken Duck. Deary me! How long did it take for you to remember that one?! We've had gorgeous sunshine here in California. It's due to rain tonight, but it hasn't hit yet. We're loving our farm life. We've even introduced them to home-made yorkshire puddings! They'd never had them before. He have just a week left before we head to San Francisco for a few days, and then fly to New York for reunions!! James will have to do a farm-based blog for sure. Love to you all .. see you next month! xxxx
Mum Mcg
OOPS! Sorry, I meant the Drunken Poet, of course!
Mum & Dad Mcg
Hi Rois and James
After reading your email, we have just been on and seen your arms on the new article about growing potatoes in pots! You will have to let Siobhan from Drunken Duck know what you are wearing your special T-Shirt for!!! Is that James in the first photo, and Sara in the second? You two will be spending your time at Karls allotment now you are keen gardeners.
Snow is thawing here today but we are warned there is more to come later in the week - so we are staying put at home and have not much news.
Really looking forward to being able to chat to you when you get to New York. Enjoy your day at the beach on Wednesday and don't worry too much about all of us freezing.