Hi Both - parts of Oz on fire, worst snow round our way for 18 years. Which do you fancy? To quote Boris, Mayor of London, 'It's the right sort of snow, just the wrong quantity..........'. Bonus for some, Mum's & Grace's schools closed today and tomorrow! Granny says snow hit the east coast of Ireland today & she's expecting some at her place tomorrow.
Hope you're both well and earning your keep! Looking forward to 14th.
Depressing news about Watford, looking forward to 3 points this Saturday. Amusing article in the paper today - coastal erosion in the south, Portsmouth, Southampton, Brighton and Bournemouth all to be relegated this season.......
Take care, love from all.
Temp in London today - 0 degrees
Temp in New York today - 10 degrees!!
Off to buy lunch in my wellies and snow jacket (and other clothes too obviously!!) Took over an hour to do a 20 min journey this morning - Ed got a snow day, and everyone is very excited by the snow!
12 days my friends - 12 days!!
The snow as predicted has arrived in good old blighty today(early hours Monday morning) unfortunately it arrived 48 hours too late why oh why didn't it arrive on Saturday morning to postpone our game at Wolves.
Bottom three now for the Hornets.
Next up Southampton at home on Saturday our game tomorrow against Cardiff has been postponed as Cardiff have a cup replay at the Emirates.
Back to Southampton now isn't that a MIFG?
(Mole Inter-Family Game)?
Take Care - Lee
Hello hello
Cant believe you're so near the end of the voyage....so close to the big homecoming! Can there be a rerun for when I return please!!! Orange juice and secret diary writing in the Felix, how does that strike you?!
Did you know I'm a vegetarian now? Have I mentioned this yet?
My reasoning went thus:
Firstly: All the vegetarians I had recently spoken to were very ........thin.
Secondly: I always get unnecessarily stressed and confused when in a restaurant trying to decide what to have for dinner. Vegetarians don't get much choice. This works out nicely.
Thirdly: The number count of times I have nearly eaten a chicken brain in recent months is TOO high. Vegetarians surely encounter this problem less frequently.
Fourthly: EVERYONE ALWAYS THINKS I'M A VEGETARIAN ANYWAY. "Oh but you look like a vegetarian..." is a comment too often heard to be ignored. Why fight peer pressure?
And that's before you've even started on all the ethical, moral, environmental stuff!!!
And I reckon if anybody had spent the past six months in Mexico they'd feel pretty much the same...I'm going to be fairly relaxed about it though. The rules don't apply in case of emergency....the emergency being...if I REALLY want some meat or something. But yeah. That's my big news. And also that I'm starting travelling in FOUR days. Excellent.
Like Ash, It has occurred to me that when you are home I'll be able to phone and that has me excited! Keep safe and away from cyclones for the next few weeks yeah?! And hopefully I'll speak to you soon.
Also Rois, I have also found myself wearing socks and sandles on more occasions than I'd like.
Ma Mole
Great to see the latest pics and I'm sooooooo looking forward to seeing you in the flesh in New York!!!! James, explain please - when dressed as Santa you looked like life couldn't get any worse, yet when throwing yourself down a high waterfall with like-minded mad people inside a plastic tub you are grinning from ear to ear!! You are strange! It's not something that's come from the Leahy side!!
Aviood high places and fast water - stick to farming type stuff at least until I've seen you again! Dad/Brian sends his love with mine. Mum/Bernie xx
Hello. Massive three points on Tuesday against Burnley, Burnley were the better side but we put the ball in the net(three times can't believe!). Priskin who came on with 18 mins to go took his two goals really well. Mike Williamson who signed on Monday from Wycombe made his debut and for me was man of the match - he just did everything well and didn't try to be flash..played the simple and correct ball everytime.
Captain Sawyer a solider and a devoted Watford fan who was killed in Afghanistan two weeks ago was remembered before the game with total respect with a silence for one minute.
Next up Wolves still leaders (just) away on Saturday.
Take Care - Lee
Loved the blog, loved the pictures! Havnt forgotten i owe you a long, detailed message. Im working days and a couple of nights this week, have half an hour inbetween the two so Forgive me! I cant wait for you to get back so then i can call you. How selfish of me?! All is good this end, busy today, its very hot here at the mo also.
Enjoy the farming, i still cant quite believe it and cant wait to hear more. You have my love forever xxxxx
Dad Mcg
Loved your fantastic blog ( ever considered a career in writing ? ) so relieved you are both away from Fiji and glad I didnt know about some of the problems you were having. Thats one destination I will be crossing off my " to see " list.
Dont loose that last ticket in your book NY to London !
Great photos and comments.James looks so convincing as Santa he should have had a word with Jack or Tom about acting roles !
What was that green stuff you were drinking on Christmas day, cold pea soup ?.......... looked delicious.
Glad you are both safe and well in the US and farming seems to be going well,its not such a hard life after all ( is it Jim ? )
Cant wait to have you home 44 days and counting
Much love to you both xxxxx
Congratulations on changing sulpher to sulphur!!
Love the new photos x
Mum Mcg
Hi you two
Great to see your Christmas photos - James makes such a realistic and jolly Santa!!!! Thanks for emails and update on farm life. It sounds very pleasant, I hope they don't work you too hard. You will both be well trained for doggy sitting for Claire on your return. Murphy was here with her on Saturday for the Man U game - he has got so big. Good to hear you have got your flights from San Fran to NY, are you planning to stay on the farm until Feb 13th? Will email you later.
After beating the Eagles 4 - 3 in Round 4 on Saturday we have been drawn at home to Chelsea in Round 5 - its bound to be live on tv so you might be able to watch it in some sports bar, its Valentines weekend - I know you love Watford!
Next up Burnley at home in the Championship tomorrow Tuesday 27th January.
Take Care
Yep, I actually cried after reading your blog - honestly, when I eventually get to see you both I may have to bring a sack load of tissues with me. Safe journey to the farm (heehee) let us know how you get on xxx