Happy birthday, James! Hope you had a great time in San Fran and wish you and Rois a great time catching up with your family in New York. Thanks to both of you for all your hard work here. Good luck on the next phase of your lives. You two are always welcome here!
Greetings to all the New Yorkers. Belated birthday greetings to Niamh and James - have a little glass of wine for me in NY. Have just watched Roisin flying through the New Zealand skies and am very impressed - wouldn't do it myself though! Have also viewed the photos of rois farming - you must have inherited my green fingers and gardening skills after all!! Have a blast in NYC - it's up to you.....
The Borgeats
hope you two are having a brilliant time and we cant wait to see you :) xxxx
Happy Birthday James! I've already facebooked but i know how rubbish you are at facebook so thought I'd reiterate here. Although to be honest - i doubt checking the internet is at the top of your list atm - must be soooooo good to see your family again and I hope you're all having a fabulous time.
Lovely and sunny here in Valencia; just about to "go for a run" with my flatmates, who both happen to be skinny and no doubt super fit - eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek. It's really warm aswell, i don't think it's going to go too well! Ah well, I've told them they may have to leave me behind. lol. Anyways, have a fab few days and weeks, CANNOT WAIT to see you both again. xxxxx
Claire, Karl & Murphy
Happy Birthday James!!! What a way to celebrate. Enjoy lots of reunion hugs & headlocks (you get himGrace!) We will stick on a Beatles song in your honour and fingers crossed that Watford do the business for you. Hope you have a very memorable day. Love to all the gang in the Big Apple. Hope we get to speak to you very soon. Have a fantastic time. Lots of love and a sloppy lick from the Murphmeister xx
Sarah Wilko
Happy Birthday James!!!
Can't wait to see you guys when you get back, hope you have a lovely time in New York. - It's my favorite place in the whole world.
See you in a few weeks,
Sarah xxxxxxxxxxxx (and Dan xx)
Si, Lu And Jacob
Happy Birthday James!!
Hope you have a lovley day. Make the most of the time you've got left and we'll see you in few weeks time!
Simon, Lucy and Jakey xxx
Mum & Dad Mcg
Great to chat to you tonight Roisin from San Fran and just want to wish you a very safe flight later tonight to New York. Hope all flights get to JFK on time and you all meet up as planned tomorrow - think it will be quite some party. Look forward to hearing from you when you are all safely landed and checked into your hotels.
Have a fantastic time, all of you. Can you believe that we will all be celebrating together in Hertford in just 4 weeks time. Looks like you are all going to have good weather for your time in New York. We will be chatting to you no doubt ove next few days.
Love to all
Mal & Oonagh XXXXX
Hi guys
The important news is that Wednesday did the double over United on Saturday. Hurray!
Something else is happening this week, on Saturday, but I just can't remember what?
Anyroad, I've sent you an email, have a good time on Saturday ;-)
Maurice, Debs, Izzy & Ali.
Hi All,
Just a quick message to wish all the travellers a safe journey,west to east & east to west.Hoping you all have a fabulous time in the big apple & delighted that you are getting ever closer to Europe all the time.Can't believe your travels are nearing an end but since you keep saying that you are going to return to most of the places you've visited you could be off soon again-I think your nearest & dearest might have an opinion on that though.
As I said,just a quick message but promise to write properly soon.Safe flying to all & enjoy group hugs.
Love Chi.x
In the words of Annie...
'Tomorrow, tomorrow, we love ya tomorrow - it's only a day AWAY!!'
We can try singing it really loud to see if the neighbours comment on our Corrs musical ability!
Tomorrow, little sis, you know it!!
hey you guys!! just managed to get updated on your life, sounds bloody awesome, so you enjoying stateside? is everything, awesome?
the alps are awesome, got 3 little jobs at mo and hoping something full time will come up. lots of dirnksing, minimal skiing at minute as conditions so bad, but today we haveing mojito and fajita day instead, brill.
glad you have recovered form the fiji nightmare. will send an email soon with updates.