Greetings from Heller Street (Rois and James' Melbourne home). We are here for dinner tonight. Melbourne has been great so far, and very busy! We had great victory at the quiz ... and a very late night! Wednesday we all (Mal,Oonagh, James, Eoghan and Fiona) went river cruising on the Yarra - poor Rois was working. All 6 of us then went to Italian area last night for a really lovely meal and farewells to Eoghan and Fiona who are off to New Zealand today.
Mal and I spent today visiting the Victoria market and Melbourne Museum before meeting Rois after work and travelling by tram out here to the suburbs. In brief, Friday we are hiring a car and driving (James!) out to the wine producing Yarra valley; Saturday we are all booked on a full day tour of the Great Ocean Road; and Sunday we are taking part in the Melbourne Romp - a 4 hour treasure hunt throughout the city with prizes to be won - we have our costumes sorted, just wait for the photos!!
I will finish off by assuring you all that we are really enjoying the wonderful australian sunshine. Our apartment here is really nice and very central. Our couple of days in Dubai were really good too, but very very hot!!
James has dinner ready, so I am off! Will update from Hobart, Tasmania in a few days.
Love from Mal and Oonagh XXX
Hello all,
Very strange having more of the Mc Grory clan in southern hemisphere than in the northern-hope you're all happily re-united & are drowning the shamrock in style.Sorry for not being on for a while-I think we'll all get a bit better when you go touring again & this will be the only way of keeping in touch with you.I'd say you'll be sorry to leave Melbourne but I've a feeling you will return some day.What are Eoghain & Fionas plans-do you have to say big goodbyes??
No real news here,as Bon says its all doom & gloom,recession & redundancies.We haven't had to leave anyone go at work but I'd say January will tell a lot.Thankfully I'm high enough up the pecking order not to be worrying about that.Anyway,theres no need to be depressing you about such things.
Glad to see Oonagh is still sleeping at outings-she'll probably blame jet-lag but whats her excuse in Nuneaton??Only joking,sis.Can't wait to see some pictures of your travels together,so don't forget to keep us updated-need something to cheer us up as winter draws in.
I had some chocolate kimberleys & taytos bought for you to send over but I saw a programme on australian customs & they seemed to confiscate all foodstuffs-so,as they say,its the thought that counts & they were yummy!The Irish customs could learn a few things from them-a bit of rough seas & they are back in safe harbour!hes back home tonight until sunday which is nice.
Well,I'd better go & put on my green jersey & clap for Trap,ole,ole,ole.Have a great few weeks & enjoy every minute of it.Will be in touch soon.
Gra mor,
Chi & Tony
Siobhan And Andrew
Hi Rois, James, Oonagh and Mal
Great to hear you arrived safely and are out and about enjoying yourselves. I am sitting looking out on a very dull day in DOnegal so make the most of the sun and heat!
I have no real news. It was budget day here yesterday and so we are all worse off today and the economic gloom continues. In true Irish fashion the pubs here are getting busier! people are fed up of hearing about the world recession so the only answer is to go out and get full!
I am working away and Andrew is still enjoying all his sport. He scored 7 goals yesterday at his indoor soccer which made up for losing badly in his gaelic match on sunday. He started golf lessons last week which he loved and is good news for me. the sooner he can caddy for me the better!
Ireland are playing a world cup qualifier tonight and there is a guy from Derry playing.He is on the united squad and so Andrew is really excited.
No more news! Say hi to everyone from me!
Love Bon x
It's happened!! They're here, and we've already had some great times!
Mum and Dad arrived at about 8.30 yesterday morning, so I met them before work at their beautiful apartment. Was JUST AMAZING to see them. They then slept ALL DAY until meeting me at 5pm! So in the evening we met James for dinner, then joined forces with Eoghan and Fiona for the quiz at the Drunken Poet.
WHICH WE WON!! And Mum won the bonus round for us by correctly guessing heads or tails by standing up and holding her head for heads, and her tail for tails! Which won us a box of teacakes!! A great night was had by all ... you know it's a good one when Mum's asleep at the table!
I'm at work now and am suffering a little - especially as I'm well aware that everyone else is still asleep! Anywho, we're all heading out for dinner again tonight - probably to revel in our quiz glory! And the rest of them are heading on a river cruise for the afternoon.
It's so exciting having Mum and Dad here - I can't believe I'm going to get to see them every day for the next couple of weeks!
Lots of love xxxxx
Have you met up yet? Have you met up yet? It's like waiting for Santa to arrive! xx
Yay! Good stuff. See how closely Ive been monitoring you! Cant BELIEVE you got hay fever in Australia AMY ....what do you mean they have pollen there too???!!
Hope you have a great time with the 'rents Roisin and James...I dreamt that mine turned up in Mexico last night....kind of glad it's not true as Id worry about them constantly and they just wouldnt enjoy themselves here...Oh and you may have received this news already but Ive got a blog too now!
onelostginger. thats right!
talk soon xxxxx
hey hop on the skype bandwagon. its literally amazing xxxxxxx
Great blog Amy! I really enjoyed reading it - well worth the wait! Looking forward to M&D's entry! x
Roisin From Work (Shh!)
Amy's brilliant blog is now up and running on the blog page (in case you're wondering where it's gone Amy!)
Lots of love xxx
ps. Mum and Dad arrive in less than 24 hours!!
Roisin And James
I too extend a warm welcome to CG and Granny! Hopefully that won't be the last we see of you on here! Eoghan and I have had many conversations Granny about which relations we share and which we don't - it's always an interesting one!
We're having a rather quite weekend before the big arrival of Ma and Pa McG! We are packing up and washing etc etc all in preparation for our departure from Melbourne to pastures new. James is working his last shift today (sunday), but I'm still working all next week.
CAN'T WAIT TO SEE MUM AND DAD!! We have plans galore for when they get here - starting with winning the pub quiz on Tuesday - no pressure Mum and Dad!
Hope you're all having a good wkend - it's 28 degrees here today! xxx
CG - welcome, welcome! and a big welcome to granny too!!
You think that is bad, I could tell you about distingiuishing between a joint venture and an associate and how it impacts our accounts - but I wouldn't be so cruel!!
Rois and James, how's tricks? What are your weekend plans before the big arrival?!! I met Mark Breslin the other night for dinner as he has moved to London which was really fun, and met up with Laura from GT last night - man am I glad I've left GT, even listening to her chat about all the goings on was depressing!!
Love you x
Now I've started I'm on a roll and god knows when Ill stop but reading through your messages myself and nana were impressed with Niamh's comment on 19th Sept - ever the accountant!!!!!
Ripleys believe it or not I'm entering the public arena reason being to send you and eoghan a message from granny to tell ye that herself and eoghan's grandad donal would have been lucky to get to greencastle and now she's looking at photos of their grandchildren in the land of aus