We are all eating 'Credit Crunch' here in England for breakfast.
So bottom of the table Argyle came to the Vic on Tuesday and by all accounts deserved the three points - we are in 15th in the Championship now James but don't worry we will be ok.....keep getting up early to check out our results we will win again...I'm hoping Saturday we are at home to Reading - I'm going so I will report back.
Reading thumped Wednesday 6- 0 earlier in the week so a nice easy game to look forward to.......Mind How You Go.
Sum today: 1 + 1 ... tricky!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY CLAIRE MOSS!!! hope you're having a brilliant holiday.
Lots of love from the three of us. We'll have roo steaks tonight to celebrate for you! xxx
Well the word on the street is that there will be a new tour starting on NYE in Vegas, so Mr James Mole might just catch Britney if he is lucky?!!
How good is Ciaran's blog - check out the day he tried to go to the Waterpark!!
Hi to Amy, glad you are all having a good time.
Lots of love x x x x
Well, I would say I'm surprise to see Britters on here, but, really, I knew she'd find her way to me somehow! What a woman. Maybe she'll whip open a tour when I'm in the US?! James will love that!
Talking of James loving it, he did indeed finish my fish off in Mornington. For Finding Nemo fans, me and James are eating Dory - aka DORY the silly blue fish!
We are now a trio rather than duo - the beautiful Amy Key is here in sunny Melbourne. We love having her here so much that I think we're going to keep her. Someone please let the rest of her family know!
I won't give you any of the details as I believe Amy will be guest blogging in the not-so-distant future!
Lee and Maurice, you'll be happy to know that James is getting up a little bit earlier for work each day to check on football developments! - dedication!
lots of love to you all. xxx
ps. Niamh - I found Ciaran's blog - I'm famous! xx
Britney Spears
Dearest fan Roisin,
I wanted to personally let you know that I will be releasing my new album on Dec 1st this year. It is titled Circus.
Love from Britters! x
I write this bad news on a Monday following Saturday's defeat by Wednesday....we play Plymouth tomorrow that's Tuesday and I'll post the score for you on your msg board either Thursday or Friday.
Mind How You Go........Cheers Lee
Hey guys
Jim, hope you remembered your mum's birthday! Clash of the titans today at Hillsborough as the mighty ornets take on Wednesday. Oh, and I nearly forgot the Moles are descending on us for the weekend, better lock up the drinks cabinet!
Hope you're both OK and enjoying yourselves? I hope the weather is better there, than it is here! All the best.
ps. Good point KarlEgan - that fish and chips is MASSIVE! x
So, long story but I stumbled onto Ciaran and Barry's blog (went to leave Lorcan a facebook msg, Ciaran had left a link on his wall and I have no work to do, and an hour till home time). Anyway, I did not realise this was Ciaran and Barry of Melbourne fame....until I bloomin' well saw your pretty face and name on there! Small world - small world! Have a good weekend Rois-a-roo! (like Kangeroo!) x
Hiya you to,
I was reading your update and flicking through the picks and I just had to comment on your HUMONGOUS FISH, from Mornington. I am puzzled, I know that you could never eat all that food Rois but the portions look sooooo massive that I doubt James could eat one and a half of them, how did it work out? lol
Love Kxx
Mum & Dad Mcg
Hi Rois, James and Amy!!
Greetings from Buncrana! Just spent the day visiting. Called to see the Leonards, Tom and Noel were not there but Jenni, Ami, Jack and Noah (Ami's four month old son) were! Jenni is heading to new job in Manchester at the weekend. Love the photos. Hope Amy has arrived safely by the time you get this. Chat to you all on Sunday.
Love from us and all here. XXX
hello you two, sorry it's been a while - been busy! Working for Carphone Warehouse in their call centre - just done 3 days of training and now I'm a real live able to take calls person...except the lines are dead quiet so I haven't spoken to anyone yet! We're only on the redemtions queries (where you send your bills in and get money back) so it's not too hard and hopefully there shouldn't be too many mad people calling up.
How are you two anyway? Hang on, I've just thought -are you three now?!?!? AMY! Are you there yet? I'm so excited - bagsy you get on here Key (who needs to see Melbourne when you can be on the internet?) and reply! xxx