hiya Roisin & James....hope you both are still having a great time in austrilia....i bet you are all excited about ur mum&dad coming to see you real soon ....mum and dad said it was lovelly to see ur mum an dad when they were home they called in mums house .....granny loves to see them both also she hates when they have to go back ..she has the candle burning until she hears there home safe ...all is well here weather is awful but we cant expect nothing else ...i must go now collect lauren from netball ..take care both of you and besafe ...love Tara Daniel Nikita & Lauren xoxo
Pa Mole
Evening to you both and everyone. No message from me for a while so I thought I'd better sign in. Now I'm in, what news is there that I didn't give when we spoke yesterday!! I can say we had a new boiler fitted today - the only positive thing (I - Bernie- put this in while Brian's on the phone!!)..............hmmmmm, I put the laptop down for a few minutes to speak to Granny and someone's interfered!! Anyway, the only positive thing abut the boiler is that I get to put Millie out in the garden for the day and she hates it!
Take care of yourselves, Dad/Brian
Hello Granny!
What a lovely surprise to come on here and see a message from you! You're right - I CAN'T WAIT to see Mum and Dad. Can't believe they're making it all the way to Australia! Me and James, and Mum and Dad are going to go to Tasmania after Melbourne, and then Sydney. Mum and Dad are going to head home then, and me and James are going to fit in as much of Australia as we can before we head off to New Zealand!
I'm glad you and all are doing well, I think about you all all of the time. Please send my love to Joseph, Annette, Pauline, and all the gangs.
God bless Granny, and keep on having fun until I next see you - it won't be too long now. Lots of love to you all. Roisin xxx
Granny Mc G
Hello Roisin & James
Hope you are both doing well. I am very sorry I couldn't make the trip! It was great to see your mum and dad over. They are looking forward to their trip to see you. I'm sure you can't wait. Where are you going after Melbourne? Everyone is doing well here and Joseph sends his love. I am counting the days until you are safely home. I'm up in Annette's house at the minute. Everyone says hello. Look after yourself and keep in touch. God bless you and protect you until you are safe home.
Love Granny Mc Grory xxx
Horray! More messages - didn't want to leave another one straight after myself!! Glad you had a good time in Sydney, and hope you are home safe Amy...what about a 144 special next Friday night coz I'll be home too...would love to hear all about it! Will delete the rois43 email - sad times, I remember the discussion on what to have as your address following the shock that roisinmcgrory@hotmail was already taken!! Has junk taken over? My junk folder isn't filtering too well on hotmail either.
Not much news with me, had a horrible stomach bug Mon/Tues so was off work which wasn't great, but back now and raring to go. Ed has Ofsted in at work, was reviewed yesterday but yet to get the feedback, I'm sure he was brilliant, he sends his love. We've been looking at deals for New York - I'm so excited!
Love you x
To all of you that use my email: [email protected], I have now closed this account, so will only be on our joint email: [email protected]. Or you can just click on 'contact' on here, and email either of us from there.
So good to hear from you Mossy - can't wait to hear all the gossips from the holidays.
Lots of love xxx
Welcome home travellers! Safe journey Amy. When you have caught up with your sleep we should sort out a cuppa at Mum & Dad's to hear all! Will email about hol asap - it's been hectic since we got back! Chamonix is a wonderful place, lots of beautiful scenery, fresh air, good food & very delicious wine! There were times when I was spending more time walking my bike down hills than riding it but I think the bike enjoyed the change and it gave Karl time to appreciate the scenery while he was waiting for me at the bottom of the hills! Had a house viewing on Tuesday which seemed to go well. We were round M&D's last night where poor Mum was recovering from her trip to the dentist. Karl and Dad were sorting out Dad's new toy - his mega memory computer to hold all his music! Can't wait to catch up. Love you xxx
Rois James And Amy
Hello All!
Sorry to have been so quiet these past few days - we've been having a very hectic and wonderful time with Miss Amy Key. She unfortunately is still travelling home, and me and James are back to normality in sunny Melbourne. Amy intends to get blogging when she gets home, so there will be more to come!
Lots of love to you all xxxx
So was looking at Sky showbiz's worst dressed list with workmates (because that's what we do here!!) and Roisin Murphy is on it, Nick, one of the guys I work with calls her Rosaline, then Rosaleen, then Rayson, each time with me correcting him...he got there in the end! Thought I would share!
Enjoy Sydney yeah!
Love you x
ps. Has anyone ever got the sum wrong - what happens? x