Didn't get much sleep as, crossing about 6 time zones, we weren't very tired.
Off at 07.00 for the 80 k trip to see the Bridge over the River Kwai (really the River Mae Khlung). Due to the Tropical Storm the roads were difficult to pass so it took over 2 1/2 hours to get there. We took a boat for the final kilometer so that we could get a good view of the bridge which is surprisingly intact following numerous attempts by the British to blow it up.
Having walked across the bridge we took a local train on the remaining 1/4 of the Burma to Thailand railway to gave us an impression of how difficult it was to cut through the rain forest and bash through cliffs to build the railway.
We also went to the biggest cemetery for the military troops who died building the railway - Kanchanaburi Cemetery - which held over 5000 men from England Australia and Holland. All together about 115,000 men died building the railway.
As it North France the Commonwealth War Grave Commission ensure that the graves are all maintained.
Off on the overnight train to Butterworth tomorrow -should be fun
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Bee Bit worried we haven't had a blog entry 4 days after this one.....