Koh Jum is a small Thai island in the Andaman Sea not far from the coast. It's inhabited by sea gypsies and has quite a large Muslim community. Its visitors are mostly from what used to be called Western Europe. Elenka and I had mixed feelings after our first two nights on Koh Jum. The only reasonably priced place we'd been able to find had dark, airless cabinas with no electricity, hence no fan. On the flip side the place had tasty grub and a good vibe. In the evenings, the gypsies would sing enchanting tunes to the accompaniment of soft acoustic guitar. But we just couldn't handle the heat during the night.
On the third day we went off on a new cabina search and found a joint with all of the things we'd been missing. After two nights though, we were unhappy again. Toilet problems, water issues and then the front door fell off our cabina. So Elenka went to management and asked for an upgrade. She was told that the place was full, but that the man in cabina #B2 might be leaving, and that she should ask him if that was the case. Then the hotel man pointed Elenka to where the man was sitting, in the open air restaurant. She considered the job she'd been given as odd but what the hell. The man from #B2 was tanned, good looking, and middle aged. He sat with a woman of similar age, looks and brownness. Elenka explained her reason for the visit and asked if he was planning on leaving. He stared at her blankly, then said in French that he didn't speak English. His 'companion' did though and translated Elenka's question to him in French. Then there was some back and forth between the two. The man said that he didn't know what his plans were. (Elenka's French language skills were able to pick up the gist of the conversation) The woman said coyly, and with a gleam in her eye that he could move in with her. He hesitated. She said it again, more firmly. Sensing that pressure was being put on the guy, Elenka said that she didn't need to know immediately, that he could tell her later in the day. The woman said, "Oh, you don't need to wait. He can tell you now." After Elenka later related the story to me, I told her that the man had been coerced by this manipulative sex fiend of a woman who quite probably planned to rape the poor b*****. With furrowed brow she gave me a look that said, 'We are in Thailand don't you know.'
Anyway, after the cool-down period had expired all three of them went to the reservation desk and explained the situation to the manager which was all very confusing because the manager's English wasn't great and he spoke not a word of French, which was the reason Elenka got this odd job in the first place. In the end, the deal was consummated, and Elenka thanked the man and his 'companion', who gave her a great big smile in return.
Two days later, we saw the man having breakfast alone. He seemed in a bad mood and his walk gave the appearance of a man whose private parts had been physically abused. When one of the staff asked him what his plans were, he briskly said, "I leave, I leave," while flailing his hands. As we walked back to our new cabina, the 'companion' was sitting alone on her veranda with a Cheshire cat smile. I said to Elenka that she'd at least let the canary escape its cage.
I had been almost completely blind to the preceding activities as Elenka prefers to conduct her covert actions in absolute secrecy. With memories of the poor Frenchman in the back of my mind I grew concerned not just for him but for France in general. They're the only nation in the so-called civilized world - Russians aside - who aren't really able to communicate in English. The people of France do travel, but they do it en-masse as a rule, seeking comfort zones. Where you'll often find them is in their old or current colonies. The French flock to Indochina during the winter months. For this is where three of their former colonies sit side-by-side - Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam. Now they're all part of the Fren-Chi-Manh Trail. Silently, I sit by the beach I think about the poor Frenchman from cabina #B2, and wonder whether he's gone east to explore the Trail or headed to his European homeland in dismay.
- comments
Peter & Mandy Vous etes la plongee?il est bien la!
Renate Schoenbach We are coming, soon.
Renate Schoenbach I some weeks, Julia and I, too
Stephanie Any Ellen friut?
Gisela Angerer Very nice pictures enjoy your time ??Greetings from Gisela and Peter We have only 2 days to stay in Koh Chang, so we are a little bit sad
Katharine Causing trouble in paradise?Shaking things up for your entertainment - and mine.
Renate Schoenbach Beautiful toes.