The Gnomes are Locked in the Cellar
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New blog entry posted
Kruger National Park, South Africa
New blog entry posted
Hlane Royal National Park, Swaziland
dansar Great as always to read about your adventures and see your fantastic pictures :-)Just checking (on the of chance of you missing the huge banner on TravelPod) that you're aware that TravelPod are shutting down in 2 weeks.Seems that I'm a bit prescient, remember that we talked about the possibility in Siem Reap?
New blog entry posted
Kruger National Park, South Africa
New blog entry posted
Hoedspruit, South Africa
New blog entry posted
Banska Bystrica, Slovakia
David Baril Great photos! I love this one - the reflections are so clear.
re: Self-safariing made easydansar Great as always to read about your adventures and see your fantastic pictures :-)Just checking (on the of chance of you missing the huge banner on TravelPod) that you're aware that TravelPod are shutting down in 2 weeks.Seems that I'm a bit prescient, remember that we talked about the possibility in Siem Reap?
re: Groceries or lions? You need your priorities- last visited
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jackdrury Yes wild, isn't it.Sent from my iPad
jenn Great photo of the mountain howling and weeping!
David Baril Great photos! I love this one - the reflections are so clear.