Daniel and Sara live in Sweden. They come to Bangkok every couple of years, but they might very well know this city better than Elenka or I know Toronto. We flew up for the weekend to visit these two wonderful Swedes who'd recently returned from a tour of North Korea. They'd booked us a room next to theirs at the Siam II Guest House and then took us on a whirlwind tour. We walked from one park to another in search of paper mache pandas (see photos); took a maniacal boat trip through the city's canal system; ate at a restaurant with robot waiters; went to an elephant polo match; and wandered darkened streets where large rats scurried and white folks feared to go. Once, when returning to our hotel after dinner, we walked for ten minutes along signless streets, then dodged our way across a busy four lane road before walking into a bar laden with teak furniture. Without a word we followed Daniel and Sara up a staircase, through a billiards room, then out the back door of the place which led to a nasty looking alley. Without pause, Daniel told us to keep our eyes peeled for dog s***. And sure enough, within minutes there was a mass of dogs and their accompanying doo doo. Three, maybe four right turns, followed by a couple of lefts, and we were back at the Siam II Guest House.
Taking a taxi in Bangkok was a whole new experience for us also. First Daniel would hail one, then he'd stick his head in the window and talk with the cabbie. More often than not the driver would leave with us standing on the sidewalk. What the hell was this all about, I wondered, not wanting to disturb the procurer's concentration. I was later to learn that cab drivers like to charge foreigners a flat fare. Daniel explained that a half hour $12 flat rate journey wasn't more than $3 - $4 with the meter on. Yesterday, viciously hot pavement poundings aside, we took more cab rides than I ever have in my life. Thanks to our Swedish amigos we experienced a new and exciting Bangkok, a Bangkok that we never knew existed.
Part Deux:
For almost fifteen years I'd assumed that the spray hose attachments beside the toilets of Thailand were for cleaning the bowls, or perhaps cooling down your feet from the sweltering heat. The more practical Elenka thought these devices were for cleaning the entire bathroom. We'd always wondered why people would go to the trouble of installing such a device yet almost never provide toilet paper. Two years ago the guy who was running the live-aboard diving trip we went on here in Thailand, explained the do's and don't's about boating on the Andaman Sea. Rule #1: "There is no toilet paper on this boat. Please use the bum gun only, for cleaning up after yourselves." I almost fell over. The spray hose attachments weren't for keeping your feet cool or cleaning the toilet, they were for cleaning your bottom.
Yesterday, I did a test run of a business plan I'm putting together. I combed my hair, put on clean shirt and tie, then sat Elenka, Daniel and Sara down and gave them my Power Point slide show. At the end of my presentation I explained that my master plan was to have bum guns installed in every bathroom in North America and Europe by the year 2025. I waited for their reactions. Sara smiled. I was thrilled, an excellent product endorsement. Then Elenka said, "That's absolutely disgusting." My mouth dropped open. I'll need to work with her a little on the concept. It was Daniel though, who inspired me the most. He'd read my recent Ian Fleming/James Bond entry and said, "You can be The Man with the Golden Bum Gun."
Investor enquiries are both welcomed and encouraged.
- comments
David Baril Love the bum gun idea. I think it could be enhanced by adding a second nozzle to blow warm air to dry off after cleaning.
David Baril Love the bum gun idea. I think, for the northern market, it could be enhanced with a second nozzle to blow warm air to dry off after cleaning with the spray.
Rick I saw the BUM GUN @ HOME DEPOT last month.
Margo Nasty!
Stephanie Love it all....when I grow up I want to be Jack.
Majka Would you believe we already have one bum gun in our family. Mana and Jano installed it to their new bathroom. The commencement of bum guns in Slovakia - check.
Krista The addition of the drying component would be key! That could be the premium model.
Lina Di Carlo Are you serious! Robots? Who controls them?
Daniel Lundborg So fun to be with you guys in Bangkok! Sara's was laughing out loud just now and I asked what she was reading. Jack's blog she said. And I must say, hilarious!
Victoria Bandoski To ME? Yes, I did read the story.. but after close inspection of the picture, I think you should patent a razor that vacuums your beard into the wall after the shave...?
Victoria Bandoski The hangover is an oxymoron...
Victoria Bandoski Something else is going on here... just look at her smile... something... well - I'd rather not say..
Victoria Bandoski A sport that's even slower-paced than baseball...
Victoria Bandoski - paper mache not as cuddly as fur.
Victoria Bandoski Lovely... Are these lotus?
Victoria Bandoski Jack - you always look so good in shorts - have you ever considered hosiery modeling? you know - a back-up... in case the writing thing doesn't pan out...
Victoria Bandoski Finally! A waiter with a smile on his/her face... happy to serve you without expecting a tip!
Victoria Bandoski Judging from the video of the robot waiter, it must've taken a couple hours to actually receive that amount of food...
Victoria Bandoski ...that picture just confirms the theory of evolution from fish to man.
Victoria Bandoski ...more theory confirmation - man with fish-head.
Victoria Bandoski First reaction to this pic? Big Brother (or SOMEbody) is watching. Better be good...