The few days that followed resulted in doing the same routine. Catching the train into Mumbai and coming back to relax, away from the chaos that was Mumbai.
Tom left after a day in Mumbai since he met a couple of chaps on the plain that had tickets to all of the cricket games and was off to meet them up North, 10 hours from Mumbai. I met loads of new people, since the hostel where I was staying was like a gateway of new and old travellers either just arriving or just leaving. Ben was a chap who I spent most my time with, a northern chap who lives in London, and has a cocktail of accents. Also I met a Dutch girl who was waiting for her friend to arrive, I passes on my knowledge of Mumbai and took her to get her bearings just as Sarah had done for me. It's a good system, help and you will be helped in return.
I am waiting for Hannah to arrive from South Africa, since I am due to be traveling India with her, and looking forward to it. She arrives on the 24th at 0100, so I'm staying in the same hostel since they offer pick up and drop off to the airport. I can go meet her from the airport.
The night before Hannah arrived Ben, the Dutch girl and I all went out to eat some street food. We all went to a part of the local area which Ben and I had discovered the previous night, it was a busy area of the otherwise tranquil outer city. . As a consequence I was very I'll that night. Hot and cold sweats, vomiting, stomach cramps, the works! Was very I'll indeed. The hostel manager, a friendly chap called Raj, gave me toast and plenty of water as well as a tablet of Ginger which really helped clear my stomach. Since Hannah was arriving Raj allowed me a double room for what I thought was a good deal. I managed to get a few hours sleep in the afternoon after what seemed like an endless night before.
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